i'm in the doghouse



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Maybe funny, maybe not.
The step son 28 with 2 degress and a wife with RN Nursing degree. He has been teaching H.S. Ag. for the last five years, and just got hired into that school district's mgr type position. What ever these guys do? Starts tis week. Yes, today is Mon. July 5th and is the holiday! His wife was getting off work at the hospital and called and asked why he was not headed to work. Yes today, Mon. The holiday! ha So he heads to work so that he is certain today is actually the holiday! ha again/
This 28 year old kid is super smart, has plenty of common sense, as does is wife. BUT he is a total perfectionist, always has to be the very best at everything. He would be crushed not to win the sack race.
He calls my wife his mother, as says he will come over 80 mi trip to pick up his diplomas on our wall to put in is new office. He did not have an office at his teaching job. Meanwhile we are discussing it all and I say he is totally ANAL! Problem is she stuck her phone in her pocket and the line was still open, he hears it all! He is pissed, butt hurt, you name it!
I will say it again! So he is pissed, butt hurt bad, and says just mail him his diplomas!!!!
Next time he comes by I will appologize.... and maybe add that just maybe he is somewhat anal!!!!
He can smack this 73 year old man in the face if it makes him feel better. Guess I should NOT think it all funny!!?? LOL
I have been described as anal in some instances having a few "perfectionist" genes myself. I don't consider it an insult but rather a compliment. I would be happy to have an "anal" guy rebuilding my engine, or doing the bodywork on my car. Anal is just a dysphemism for perfectionist.
I sent a text to a co worker about a hoarder I encountered during a trouble call. Saying the place was full of junk and the jack was behind a smelly couch. The text actually went out to the last number I dialed...the customers! Oh ****.....damage control mode! I quickly texted back saying this was for his own records so he would remember where the repaired jack was as we had a hard time even locating it. I tried to explain the adjectives used as 'generic' and we don't usually do inside work when those conditions are found. I was squirming even texting this and I immediately texted my boss about it. Never heard anything back, but I will never make that mistake again!
Deep down, no one really wants to hear the truth, and most can't handle it. People are very sensitive to words nowadays. Not sure what you would apologize for, and apologies are for wimps anyway.
I know several men in their 70s he probably better not slap. LMAO
He is a good kid, too good I guess. In this small town rural H.S. he was always the best student, NEVER did anything out of line, never played team sports, had to be stuff like track, weight lifting..individual sports ( he is 5-5 not a big guy), he showed FFA cattle, hogs, goats... he had to always be the winner even if they could not afford to have the best he just worked harder.
His mother mentioned last week his wife has a control issue. Ha She does and he is totally hen pecked and pussy wiped (whipped) ! That pissed him off when she said that! lol
Guess I will learn to keep my mouth shut and maybe she can turn off the darn phone!!!b lol
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You raised him to be proud, obviously to accel as well. He is proud of his accomplishments. He probably took it a little bit like you didn’t think the diplomas were important. Although we know that is not the case. Anal, perfection, OCD and pride sometimes resemble and compound each other.

You done well Sir, so did he. You both can be proud.

Maybe funny, maybe not.
The step son 28 with 2 degress and a wife with RN Nursing degree. He has been teaching H.S. Ag. for the last five years, and just got hired into that school district's mgr type position. What ever these guys do? Starts tis week. Yes, today is Mon. July 5th and is the holiday! His wife was getting off work at the hospital and called and asked why he was not headed to work. Yes today, Mon. The holiday! ha So he heads to work so that he is certain today is actually the holiday! ha again/
This 28 year old kid is super smart, has plenty of common sense, as does is wife. BUT he is a total perfectionist, always has to be the very best at everything. He would be crushed not to win the sack race.
He calls my wife his mother, as says he will come over 80 mi trip to pick up his diplomas on our wall to put in is new office. He did not have an office at his teaching job. Meanwhile we are discussing it all and I say he is totally ANAL! Problem is she stuck her phone in her pocket and the line was still open, he hears it all! He is pissed, butt hurt, you name it!
I will say it again! So he is pissed, butt hurt bad, and says just mail him his diplomas!!!!
Next time he comes by I will appologize.... and maybe add that just maybe he is somewhat anal!!!!
He can smack this 73 year old man in the face if it makes him feel better. Guess I should NOT think it all funny!!?? LOL

Wipe your 73 yr *** on his diplomas and stick a postal stamp over the stamped seals and sharpie his address across the name...and send it.
That'll teach him to stay on the line ..

For you humorless types, that's a joke.
You laugh , like or not, and move on with your own 2 cents.
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break it down...

You've made a judgement and abased his way of thinking and acting, and therefore him. For the young man, a stone has been cast at all that he thinks is right and proper and what he has learned and been taught, so he thinks you are an a-hole now, for the moment anyway. Accomplishment and perfection are manifestations of the ego, as are judgements. Dinging the ego is the supreme insult. The bigger the ego, the harsher the insult. I'd say you need to talk less and he needs to realize his self-importance is damaging, a compromise. Being angry or insulted is a true waste of time. No apologies necessary. It's still funny tho. :)
^^^ I was discussing him thinking he was going to start his first day at his Tx Education whatever job on a holiday, with his mother, she is the one that but called him not knowing! These people don't work on holidays!!!! lol Ha I should have just said it was just funnier than chit! Looks like he does not like the word "anal:! ha
True, he has a huge ego.
Super intelligent, always wants to be 110% right and perfect about everything.
I still think it is all hilarious!
Whats for supper!?????
It would be disingenuous of me to think that no one speaks of me in a manner I wouldn't want to hear.

It'll do him good in the long run to hear the "unedited" version.

Move on...
I have been described as anal in some instances having a few "perfectionist" genes myself. I don't consider it an insult but rather a compliment. I would be happy to have an "anal" guy rebuilding my engine, or doing the bodywork on my car. Anal is just a dysphemism for perfectionist.
One of my old bosses used to give me the worst, hardes,t most expensive stuff to do on the job, where there was no going back up, ( finished product) to fix anything! if you screw it up, it's done....They called me Mr Technical..
Picky,meticulous,anal. Call it what you want, those people do the best work.
I have a buddy that’s a perfectionist. Well,he thinks he is. He starts many projects,and if its not turning out how he plans ,he quits. Master of unfinished projects.
Maybe funny, maybe not.
The step son 28 with 2 degress and a wife with RN Nursing degree. He has been teaching H.S. Ag. for the last five years, and just got hired into that school district's mgr type position. What ever these guys do? Starts tis week. Yes, today is Mon. July 5th and is the holiday! His wife was getting off work at the hospital and called and asked why he was not headed to work. Yes today, Mon. The holiday! ha So he heads to work so that he is certain today is actually the holiday! ha again/
This 28 year old kid is super smart, has plenty of common sense, as does is wife. BUT he is a total perfectionist, always has to be the very best at everything. He would be crushed not to win the sack race.
He calls my wife his mother, as says he will come over 80 mi trip to pick up his diplomas on our wall to put in is new office. He did not have an office at his teaching job. Meanwhile we are discussing it all and I say he is totally ANAL! Problem is she stuck her phone in her pocket and the line was still open, he hears it all! He is pissed, butt hurt, you name it!
I will say it again! So he is pissed, butt hurt bad, and says just mail him his diplomas!!!!
Next time he comes by I will appologize.... and maybe add that just maybe he is somewhat anal!!!!
He can smack this 73 year old man in the face if it makes him feel better. Guess I should NOT think it all funny!!?? LOL
I say if u lay your head down on the pillow & you're thinking about it maybe make ammends, if you don't lose sleep it's probably not that bad. That's my gauge for saying sorry
^^^ I was discussing him thinking he was going to start his first day at his Tx Education whatever job on a holiday, with his mother, she is the one that but called him not knowing! These people don't work on holidays!!!! lol Ha I should have just said it was just funnier than chit! Looks like he does not like the word "anal:! ha
True, he has a huge ego.
Super intelligent, always wants to be 110% right and perfect about everything.
I still think it is all hilarious!
Whats for supper!?????
Sounds to me like he has "Little Man Syndrome".
Maybe funny, maybe not.
The step son 28 with 2 degress and a wife with RN Nursing degree. He has been teaching H.S. Ag. for the last five years, and just got hired into that school district's mgr type position. What ever these guys do? Starts tis week. Yes, today is Mon. July 5th and is the holiday! His wife was getting off work at the hospital and called and asked why he was not headed to work. Yes today, Mon. The holiday! ha So he heads to work so that he is certain today is actually the holiday! ha again/
This 28 year old kid is super smart, has plenty of common sense, as does is wife. BUT he is a total perfectionist, always has to be the very best at everything. He would be crushed not to win the sack race.
He calls my wife his mother, as says he will come over 80 mi trip to pick up his diplomas on our wall to put in is new office. He did not have an office at his teaching job. Meanwhile we are discussing it all and I say he is totally ANAL! Problem is she stuck her phone in her pocket and the line was still open, he hears it all! He is pissed, butt hurt, you name it!
I will say it again! So he is pissed, butt hurt bad, and says just mail him his diplomas!!!!
Next time he comes by I will appologize.... and maybe add that just maybe he is somewhat anal!!!!
He can smack this 73 year old man in the face if it makes him feel better. Guess I should NOT think it all funny!!?? LOL
I love you here on FABO, enjoyed your visit to my place in Texas!
I don’t think you were more than a toenail over the social justice line.
Apologize AND NEVER LOOK BACK. Everyone ELSE has some tough-love growing up to do, this is old school culture clashing with the offended-9 million.

Those weiners need to “suck it up buttercup!”

If the baby is ugly, you say the baby is ugly-sometimes the chips on the shoulder need to be cut down a peg or two.

Will always appreciate you here AND in real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picky,meticulous,anal. Call it what you want, those people do the best work.
I have a buddy that’s a perfectionist. Well,he thinks he is. He starts many projects,and if its not turning out how he plans ,he quits. Master of unfinished projects.
That has been my curse.
If I can’t have it up to the level of perfection where I love it, I lose interest or stop enjoying it.
It is a curse I need to grow up out of. It did help with my college GPA this time though!
break it down...

You've made a judgement and abased his way of thinking and acting, and therefore him. For the young man, a stone has been cast at all that he thinks is right and proper and what he has learned and been taught, so he thinks you are an a-hole now, for the moment anyway. Accomplishment and perfection are manifestations of the ego, as are judgements. Dinging the ego is the supreme insult. The bigger the ego, the harsher the insult. I'd say you need to talk less and he needs to realize his self-importance is damaging, a compromise. Being angry or insulted is a true waste of time. No apologies necessary. It's still funny tho. :)

this reminds me:
My dad (step dad that raised me): PhD in endocrinology, takes care of his entire family, younger he was an asshole Alpha Male, always extremely hard working, over accomplished in his field and in life, he pulls his own weight and that of many others...
-sister, his daughter, same same: super accomplished:

both are extremely insecure on the inside. I usually don’t go looking for that kind of thing and am very happy with as far as I have come so I never noticed this until now.

I talk to several late 60’s and early 70’s people I trust and they agree with the assessment.:

Some of the most accomplished people (with OCD and anal retentive work ethic, I, e, perfection) are so accomplished BECAUSE they are insecure.

I feel like that if I was dad/or-my-sister you would have to knock me off my high horse and the chips off my shoulder, but they are SOOO INSECURE.

Barbee, maybe reassure him after the apology and explain your viewpoint/where you were coming from when the word was spoken.
Picky,meticulous,anal. Call it what you want, those people do the best work.
Meticulous = paying strict attention to detail and doing things the right way
Anal = overdoing it, sometimes creating mistakes out of nothing

Strive for excellence, not perfection.
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