Middle Age Spread...Watcha Gonna Do?



Have impressive member
Mar 29, 2007
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Los Angeles, CA
Has anyone else made the commitment to lose weight/get in shape this year? I've had enough of the flabby gut and beginning hint of "man boobs." I've decided to start the P90X training. The infomercials sucked me in, and there are a ton of videos on Youtube showing amazing results in just 90 days.

My new mantra is "sixpack by Summer", and I don't mean a Challenger T/A! If nothing else, getting in shape will help me turn the steering wheel on the Scamp, since I'm going to manual steering. :toothy10:
At the age of 38 I was in the best shape of my life.

I followed a simple plan…… I stopped eating like a retard and started lifting weights.

Nothing fancy, just your generic weight bench and my diet plan was simply eating a little less but eating whatever i wanted.

For weight lifting I did 1 set of 20 reps (alternating upper body one day and lower the next). I adjusted my weight so at the 20th rep I couldn't lift anymore.
Well, I'm young but I have started working out this year too... not for weight because I am a thin guy, but just because I want to be in shape. I'm just lifting weights in my basement for the most part.
My work is having a "Biggest Loser" contest starting next Monday the 15th. Winner gets $10 for every pound lost up to $600!! Everyone who loses 15 pounds or more wins $100. I am going for the jackpot!!!

I am 47 and the weight doesn't come off as easy as it used to. This is going to be hard!!!
I did Go-fish. So far, I'm following a basic exercise going and have been stopped dead in my tracks 3 times now since New Years. Sick, injured, got better, got injured. Love the cycle.

I also got the P90X though I'm only 180 @ 5'9" with a most mild gut. I just like the rutine they have. It mixes it up.

At the age of 38 I was in the best shape of my life.

I followed a simple plan…… I stopped eating like a retard and started lifting weights.

Nothing fancy, just your generic weight bench and my diet plan was simply eating a little less but eating whatever i wanted.

At one point, I was getting heavy and followed that plan after I met my goal. I went up to 215+ lbs and like I said above, at 5'9", that aint to good.

The key was knowleadge. I thought about it before I started lifting and such. Who is in good or better shape? AH! The light bulb came on! Vinny! Vinny is a body builder and my age, how does he do it. So I asked and got schooled. Followed his directions and went to town.

Within 6 months, I droped 50 lbs and looked great. The biggest key is being consistant. The hardest part was the deadication to it while working nights, 3-4 times a week an extra 8 hour shift and being Mr. Mom to my lil'girl at home and yes, cooking dinners, doing the wash, cloths, dishes etc...

It wasn't easy, but I did it.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I was in great shape most of my life, so I just can't stand seeing any flab. Guess I'm trying to postpone the inevitable.

The working out isn't a problem. I'm sure I can suck it up and do the workouts. I was a long-distance runner most of my life. Very lean. The problem is that at 51 years old, I just can't eat like I have all my life. Doing all that running, I could always eat whatever I wanted when I wanted, and as much of it as I wanted. Not eating all day and then having a big bag of Doritos and a few beers can no longer pass for dinner without getting myself into weight trouble. I LOVE carbohydrates--pasta, potatoes, rice--but now I'm told that's the worst thing for me.

My biggest challenge is going to be diet.
YES! OH man I hated it. It was hard on two fronts. Not only not eating whatever ya wanted when ever you wanted, it was eating less. Since I had slowly stretched out my stomach some, it was like I was allways hungry.

THAT SUCKED! Shrinking the stomach down on the inside.

One of the things I found helpful was to drink a glass of water before the meal and one during the meal. This takes up room and helps the "I feel full" feeling.

Your stomach is used to a certain weight and/or strech. When it gets there, the "Full" switch is thrown and you get that feel good/I'm done feeling.

One of the tricks my work bud told me was to eat 5 times a day and keep up on the exercise end consistantly. % times a day I freak. Like, your kidding me. Of course he said smaller meals. (DUH! Why didn't I see that coming? LOL!)

Eating 5 times a day (For those who don't all ready know) speeds up the bodies metabolism (SP!) and helps burn calories since it is allways useing more energy digesting. In addition, I'd walk after every meal and sometimes add a few basic push ups, sit ups, ride the bicycle a few miles each day and push an extra one out if I could. etc... between/after meals just to continue to ramp up the calorie burn.

It took 6 months, but, like I said, in the end, the shirt could come off and I felt good. 45 or lbs later, I was good....er, no, I was feeling great. SO worth the effort.
Smaller portions and simple crunches every day will keep your mid section toned.
Isometrics work well as well as push ups, pull ups and lunges for the legs/trunk.
Free weights every other day.

Remember it is easy to lose weight and tone up quick, but you can gain it all back just as fast if you start slacking off.
Can't claim to be in the best shape of my life, but I'm north of the big five-O and I'm done with making excuses for it. Big wake up call the form of a type II diabetes diagnosis. Now I'm on $200 a month in meds. Best way to combat the weight is regular small meals. Don't skip breakfast. Dropped 20 lbs in 6 weeks by fixing up my bad eating habits.
Gryzynx, good job! WOW! That's the way to do it. Grab that bull by the horns!
The wife told me to get in shape - I told her round is a shape.

LOL. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm round...maybe oblong?

I did the P90X Ab Ripper routine this morning after taking dogs out for 45 minute walk. You can check it out on youtube, both parts 1 and 2. I can't do 25 reps of each exercise yet, but it will come.

Oh, and Cudaspaz? I need to GET toned before I can KEEP toned! :bootysha: Been a long time since I was knocking out perfect 300 scores on the Marine Corps physical fitness tests!
Ya'll eat your heart out. I'm skinny. I eat what I want, as much as I want, whenever I want.............
One of the big problems in keeping weight off is once a fat cell is created in your body it never goes away. When you lose weight the fat cell shrinks but does not go away. I dare say I am most likely the biggest loser on FABO. I'm 5-11 and 225 and 22 years ago I was 368 lbs. You guts are all on the right track with working out and dieting.
Middle age spread? I hit middle age at 16 then. I've been this weight since then. Could stand to lose some pounds, that's for sure, especially to take pressure off the knees.

Just got off 4 weeks physical therapy because the cartiledge is gone. The idea is to tone my legs to use the muscle to make up for the fact the joints are bad. So, two hours a day is spent doing exercises for that. (The wife loves the legs...:-D) Hard to concentrate on any other exercises with that amount of time spent strengthening and toning just so I can walk.