


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Recently I was verbally attacked for my honest opinion of someones pictures. It was exactly that, my OPINION. It does not make it right or wrong, simply my OPINION. On an issue that is an OPINION, and the appearance of someone or something is strictly that, an OPINION, if someone does not agree with you be an adult, read there comment and move on. Anybody can hide behind a keyboard and spout off. The attempted insults by this member were exactly that, an attempt. If you are posting pictures here, keep in mind it is a public forum, and there is bound to be someone who does not agree with you. Just like you have the right to post these pictures, I have the right to voice my opinion.
Oh well,sounds like they didnt like your review? Tough titties..
The pictures should be left for **** sites....which should be avoided by the way.
Unsolicited opinion is criticism
The pictures should be left for **** sites....which should be avoided by the way.
Unsolicited opinion is criticism
Unsolicited? By posting pictures you are either showing off or asking for opinions.......people having comments about pictures is just human nature.....
im just here for help with my mopars and to possibly help others. some things , i should just stay away from. my fiance would be upset if i were looking at the pics in question.
How about a link to the thread so we can see more what your'e talking about more?
BTW, i think you are right anyway.
Since everybody's throwin around opinions...here's mine. This site has a forum for "those" type pictures. It comes as a perk for Gold Members. As such, I feel that it is unfair to Gold Members to allow those type pictures in open forum. Bikinis and what not are fine, but those pictures crossed a definite line in my book. Not that I have anything against them, just where they were allowed to be posted. Gold Members pay a premium to help support the site and Joey and the gang have been nice enough to allow certain perks for becoming a Gold Member. Allowing pics that pushed the envelope as much as those did, to me, was unfair to the Gold Members that have paid that premium. If you want to view or post those type pictures, the site has a place for it. Step up and become a Gold Member, support this great site and post and view all you want, or else shut up and don't push the envelope. That's my two cents, like it or not.
Since everybody's throwin around opinions...here's mine. This site has a forum for "those" type pictures. It comes as a perk for Gold Members. As such, I feel that it is unfair to Gold Members to allow those type pictures in open forum. Bikinis and what not are fine, but those pictures crossed a definite line in my book. Not that I have anything against them, just where they were allowed to be posted. Gold Members pay a premium to help support the site and Joey and the gang have been nice enough to allow certain perks for becoming a Gold Member. Allowing pics that pushed the envelope as much as those did, to me, was unfair to the Gold Members that have paid that premium. If you want to view or post those type pictures, the site has a place for it. Step up and become a Gold Member, support this great site and post and view all you want, or else shut up and don't push the envelope. That's my two cents, like it or not.
This is StrokerScamps opinion, and it is what it is, his opinion of which I happen to agree with. Everybody should be allowed to voice there opinion, without a verbal attack by someone who does not agree with it. A reasonable discussion over it, sure. But to just start the name calling and hurling insults? To the person that did this, not that it is any of your business, I am married so getting laid on a daily basis is not an issue for me. Even if those pictures would have been in the blue forum, I still would have said what I said, because that is my opinion. I have always found it entertaining when someone verbally attacks another person on an internet forum.
Just go hang in the political forum with an opposing viewpoint... That's always fun to watch!

I don't personally care if someone post racey pics, however, I don't have anyone in the household that couldn't handle such material.

If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. No need to get in the middle of the mosh pit. Want to be the person to push someones buttons or call them out, be big enough to take whatever gets tossed back your way. Some are more tactful than others, we all come with different methods and approaches.
just go hang in the political forum with an opposing viewpoint... That's always fun to watch!

I don't personally care if someone post racey pics, however, i don't have anyone in the household that couldn't handle such material.

If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. No need to get in the middle of the mosh pit. Want to be the person to push someones buttons or call them out, be big enough to take whatever gets tossed back your way. Some are more tactful than others, we all come with different methods and approaches.

Just go hang in the political forum with an opposing viewpoint... That's always fun to watch!

I don't personally care if someone post racey pics, however, I don't have anyone in the household that couldn't handle such material.

If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. No need to get in the middle of the mosh pit. Want to be the person to push someones buttons or call them out, be big enough to take whatever gets tossed back your way. Some are more tactful than others, we all come with different methods and approaches.
My mom always said. If you have nothing nice to say, you should be in politics.
I agree with the fact that the whole thing should have been in the Blue forum to begin with. Stating that was not a problem. The part I disagree with is where you criticized her "appearance". Yes, everyone has a right to their own opinion, and it's a public forum and all that, but what was the point of that? There was no point in saying it at all, and to me, that crossed a definite line.

The thread was great, it was just in the wrong place and that's all that really needed to be said, though it would have been best to have said even that privately or via proper forum reporting methods.
Just go hang in the political forum with an opposing viewpoint... That's always fun to watch!

I don't personally care if someone post racey pics, however, I don't have anyone in the household that couldn't handle such material.

If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. No need to get in the middle of the mosh pit. Want to be the person to push someones buttons or call them out, be big enough to take whatever gets tossed back your way. Some are more tactful than others, we all come with different methods and approaches.
Not about racey pictures. Merely voiced my opinion and an attempt of a verbal attack was aimed my direction. If you are going to post pictures, you are opening yourself up for the voicing of opinions. As long as everyone was drooling over the pictures, it was all good. I voiced my honest opinion and this individual could not handle it. It was not a button push in anyway, just my opinion. Understand about the different approaches but that in no way justifies an attempt of an insult. Jerkoff, ****tard and a few other things in no way can be taken as anything but an attempt of an insult. One thing if we were best buds, but do not know this guy from a hole in the wall......and just because we share a common interest does not make us best buds.....are you best buds with Stroked340??
I agree with the fact that the whole thing should have been in the Blue forum to begin with. Stating that was not a problem. The part I disagree with is where you criticized her "appearance". Yes, everyone has a right to their own opinion, and it's a public forum and all that, but what was the point of that? There was no point in saying it at all, and to me, that crossed a definite line.

The thread was great, it was just in the wrong place and that's all that really needed to be said, though it would have been best to have said even that privately or via proper forum reporting methods.
This is your opinion, so be it. I am not going to sit here and attempt to belittle you and insult you because I do not agree with it...nice simple response, right? No name calling etc......If you are willing to post topless pictures of yourself you should be able to deal with what anybody says. And again, was not about an improper thread, it was my OPINION.....just like your voiceing your disagreement was your OPINION.....
My mom always said. If you have nothing nice to say, you should be in politics.
Nothing nice to say??? The truth as I seen it. Was it nice? Don't know, but it was the truth. Not everybody is going to go thru life kissing everybodies ***, just the way it is.....
This is your opinion, so be it. I am not going to sit here and attempt to belittle you and insult you because I do not agree with it...nice simple response, right? No name calling etc......If you are willing to post topless pictures of yourself you should be able to deal with what anybody says. And again, was not about an improper thread, it was my OPINION.....just like your voiceing your disagreement was your OPINION.....

His response wasn't appropriate either. I forgot to mention that. The whole situation was just bad, and the only part I disagree with you about is that there was no point in criticizing her appearance (well, and I think the reporting/complaining should have been done privately, but that's not a major disagreement). Part of maturity is knowing when it's appropriate to comment and when it's appropriate to just keep your mouth shut. When it involves someone's appearance and you don't like it, that's ALWAYS one of those times to just keep your mouth shut.
Recently I was verbally attacked for my honest opinion of someones pictures. It was exactly that, my OPINION. It does not make it right or wrong, simply my OPINION. On an issue that is an OPINION, and the appearance of someone or something is strictly that, an OPINION, if someone does not agree with you be an adult, read there comment and move on. Anybody can hide behind a keyboard and spout off. The attempted insults by this member were exactly that, an attempt. If you are posting pictures here, keep in mind it is a public forum, and there is bound to be someone who does not agree with you. Just like you have the right to post these pictures, I have the right to voice my opinion.

dude, you did kind'a say she was tit less..... I laughed my *** off though... :read2:
His response wasn't appropriate either. I forgot to mention that. The whole situation was just bad, and the only part I disagree with you about is that there was no point in criticizing her appearance (well, and I think the reporting/complaining should have been done privately, but that's not a major disagreement). Part of maturity is knowing when it's appropriate to comment and when it's appropriate to just keep your mouth shut. When it involves someone's appearance and you don't like it, that's ALWAYS one of those times to just keep your mouth shut.
If you are brave enough to post topless pictures on the internet than dealing with peoples comments should not be much of an issue. I was raised to tell the truth, and if the truth hurts so be it. As far as the reporting/complaining, that was not done by me. Again, not everybody is going to kiss your *** and that is just the way it is. I am overweight, and when I was employed very few people called me by name. It was always Big Guy, the Husky Guy etc. Not once did I take offense to it, because it is the TRUTH.......
That's not at all the point, you are totally missing it. If you don't know what tact is, then I can't help you on this one. Someone calling you "Big Guy" and what you said are not the same thing at all. You can't see that, so be it, end of story then.
Tact? I know what it is, but I also feel that if someone is going to post nude photos of themsleves they should be Mature enough to deal with any and all comments that are made because of it.
Tact? I know what it is, but I also feel that if someone is going to post nude photos of themsleves they should be Mature enough to deal with any and all comments that are made because of it.

I don't entirely disagree with you on that... they should be mature enough to deal with it. But again, what was the point? To attempt to hurt someone's feelings? When is that ever a good thing? You said you were taught to tell the truth. There is nothing wrong with the truth, but that's only if you're going to say anything to begin with. Sometimes you just shouldn't.

I agree with you on the vast majority of what you're saying. It's just that one point. It was just a bad situation as a whole, and it's probably time for everyone to just move on. I hope they post again, but in the appropriate forum this time, then all should be fine.