Theres no bad pitbulls...just bad people...

I came out of an elevator and there was a pit bull on a chain and an old lady trying to hold it back. Gnashing its teeth. Growling, barking at me... WTF! . I think I peed a little! I grabbed my dog spray and was about to hose that ***** down but the lady started screaming at me that the dog was barking at squirrells...we were inside an apartment building! F that, that's the second time a pit overstepped its owner and lunged at me for no reason. I wasn't on either of its properties....not good.
Molly. My Baby Girl is One of the Sweetest Animals that I've Ever had, Life without her... would be nearly unbearable.


I am here to tell you all there are both bad people as well as bad animals. Most times you cannot do a damn thing about either.
We've seen a few stray pits around work that the two legged animals abandoned, some im guessing because they weren't aggressive enough.
One day we came across one dirty neglected pit and my buddy being a animal lover called the dog. That dog jumped in the cab of our truck sat in between us, tag waging, one happy dog.....We took him back to shop and everybody loved that dog. We kept him behind a fenced in parts room. The parts guys loved him....The big boss said he had to go after a few weeks, liability BS
Im cautious around pits, mostly ones I dont know..... My daughter has a labradoodle, suppose to be one of the best family dogs, docile.....He is generally a good friendly dog, a male, but he came from a bad breeder according to the vet and had bad tendency's...he isn't small either...He tried to be dominate with everyone except my son in law. He would push his luck with me as well. He became very possessive and spiteful and eventually they sent him to a trainer of problem dogs....My wife never trusted him although now he acts better, by comparison my son has a large Shepard mix that my wife is really fond of and trusts, a dog my son got as a pup from a rescue
Years back there were two pits kept in a pen all day every day by some low life's that one day got loose. They attacked a WW2 vet who was out walking and ripped him up bad. He died from the trauma, loss of blood....Guy saw action made it home and this was how he had to die
The owners were arrested and prosecuted
We've seen pits getting loose and attacking pets of others walking them.
The owners of aggressive dogs are often the real problem
Being aggressive is just in Pitts nature. I agree bad owners make it worse. I have been around good ones and very aggressive ones. I wouldn't turn my back on one. It just takes a second for one to turn and cause some massive damage. Kids wouldn't stand a chance when the switch is flipped.
I wasn't going to get involved in this but after reading these posts, I have a story. At the last place I lived at I started noticing a fellow walking two Pit Bulls, He would always stop in front of the house and the dogs would just bark like crazy, one day I walked out and asked him what was up, the piece of **** says Me and my dogs don't like cats, I said let me go in and get one, I came out with my gun and said me and my gun don't like you or your dogs, I said Your move, he left without saying another word, I only seen him one more time and found out he was staying with a neighbor who found out what he was doing and kicked him out. The neighbor came over and told me the guy was an *** Hole and he was sorry for what happened. I hope where ever he is now is jail.

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This is Shayla. She’s a Blue Nose Pitbull. She’s VERY good with my kids, especially my son, who’s Autistic. There are some dogs I don’t trust, she is not among them.
The biggest problem is as with everything, the media. Also, any "good, reputable" dog breeder will tell you, when a dog is bred out of its breed with another breed, a lot of times bad traits from both breeds will surface. Purebred pitbulls are good natured dogs, given the right upbringing. Nine times outta ten, when you see an attack in the news, the media has gotten hold of a story involving the absolute worst kind of POS mutt they can possibly find that's also led a horrible life at the end of a chain with a small doghouse IF he's been lucky. I can make most any breed look bad finding stories like that. I have seen ONE style of dog that's nor pure bred pit that's a good dog. A friend of mine in Macon has had several. Part pit and part english. He raises them right and they are the sweetest, slobberinest dumbasses you'll ever meet. Pits have certainly been used as the whipping boy of dogs in the news for sure. And they're not all bad by a long shot.
Like I said earlier I have been around really good ones. My MIL had one and it was very mellow and a really good dog...hell it was scared of our Dachshund. On the other hand I know a guy who has some and there is no chance in hell I get near any of them.
The biggest problem is as with everything, the media. Also, any "good, reputable" dog breeder will tell you, when a dog is bred out of its breed with another breed, a lot of times bad traits from both breeds will surface. Purebred pitbulls are good natured dogs, given the right upbringing. Nine times outta ten, when you see an attack in the news, the media has gotten hold of a story involving the absolute worst kind of POS mutt they can possibly find that's also led a horrible life at the end of a chain with a small doghouse IF he's been lucky. I can make most any breed look bad finding stories like that. I have seen ONE style of dog that's nor pure bred pit that's a good dog. A friend of mine in Macon has had several. Part pit and part english. He raises them right and they are the sweetest, slobberinest dumbasses you'll ever meet. Pits have certainly been used as the whipping boy of dogs in the news for sure. And they're not all bad by a long shot.
Thanks Rob
I don't like people grouping Pits as all dangerous and a switch waiting to flip.
I was raised around boxers, Dobermans and Rott's, all were very loyal and well mannered.
In 2009 we took in a purebred American terrier pit from a shelter, Blazer was the best dog I've ever been around, he was very gentle and protective with my grandkids from the day they were born. Sadly do to spinal failure we had to put him down in 2019, my 9 year old grand daughter sat by his side while he took his last breath.
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Lemmie tell yall, when we were children, we had a neighbor....he had kids our age, younger and older. This guy was a real piece of trash. They had the cutest little brindle English bulldog. His name was Mutley. lol He was the sweetest little dog......until he got some age on him. I guess it started when he was about a year old. "Mr Martin" would get his bullwhip and twirl it around and around over his head in the backyard and pop Mutley on the butt. Really hard. Mutley, being sweet and thinking he was playing kept coming back for more. This continued until one day the really nice guy that lived in the Martin's downstairs apartment came out, grabbed Martin by the collar and told him if he ever saw him whip Mutley again, he was going to kill him. His name was Herbie. Herbie then took Mutley and put him in his apartment. The next day Herbie had moved out and took Mutley with him. Though we never saw Mutley again, we were really glad that happened. Mutley was going to be destined to be a really mean dog had Martin had his way. That Martin was a real asshole. It's ok though, cause several years later, Daddy jacked his *** up in his own front yard. They moved about a month after that. Yup he found out the hard way you don't piss of a WWII Navy vet. lol
I have much respect for Herbie and your Daddy, RRR.
Daddy was not one to mince words, nor be afraid to confront anyone about anything if he thought it was wrong. He was a giant of a man in so many ways.
I worked in yard on a guys heavy equipment, next door was a body shop and the guy had a pit in the fenced in yard.....Dog would growl and charge the fence while I was there but after awhile calmed down
Guy that worked in this yard was a little off and teased this dog constantly, one day and it was cold out he threw a bucket of water on this dog
Well one day this dog got loose, I mean this dog hated this guy and today was payback. There must have been eight guys leaving work in that yard but that dog ignored them all and went after this guy,,,The guy jumped on to the roof of a truck while everyone was hysterical laughing, the owner finally came out and got his dog and that dog was never teased again.... and I have another one
My moms cousin's ex husband was a real character...He had a gas station, the last place you'd take your car and it was in a bad neighbourhood, we use to go there all the time to get inspections done ,, Mike was a piece of work, use to tell me kid go across the street and get me a fifth whenever I was there
So Mike had three dobies locked up in a back room and I know these poor animals were not cared for, they were filthy dirty, not fed properly or never walked and they were ferocious...One evening a guy comes in a pulls a gun and robs the station, guy leaves and Mike decides to sic the dogs on the guy,,,So he runs to the back room unlocks the door and lets the dogs loose on this guy as he is running away
The first dog out the door grabs Mike by the leg and bites the **** out of him ...again pay backs a ***** LOL
When my father told this story no matter how many times we heard it we'd laugh so hard we would almost piss ourselves
Back in 17 we took a trip in our motorhome around the United States and my wife wanted to stop in New Orleans for the daily walk at the pitbulls and parolees place. Not my thing but my wife watched the program so it was her opportunity and she at least to the best of my knowledge used to make donations to the program... We're a big dog lovers... With that said, people talking about ANY dog could do this I would be very possible, but my whip it I just could never see it hurting any human or other dog.. our cat no way... Another cat possible.. a squirrel now I've definitely had to knock one out of her mouth before... But these dogs have been bred for hundreds of years to be around family and inside the house with family... In the old English paintings they're always depict in the home with the family...
Pitts are BANNED in PG county maryland. If you are caught with one guaranteed jail time and the dog is immediately euthanized
I hate everyone of them and honestly would be ok if I never saw another one. A few months ago two escaped their owner and chose my property to hang out at for the next five hours. I couldn’t leave my house or they came charging. My neighbor just made it into her car. Most of their owners are as bad as the breed. He’s a good boy, he wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Don’t forget them mean *** Chihuahua’s! Yappy ****’n things!
I hate everyone of them and honestly would be ok if I never saw another one. A few months ago two escaped their owner and chose my property to hang out at for the next five hours. I couldn’t leave my house or they came charging. My neighbor just made it into her car. Most of their owners are as bad as the breed. He’s a good boy, he wouldn’t hurt anyone.

If dogs had me pinned in my own yard they would have dispatched with malice and speed.