Total firetruckin bullshit!



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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My wife, kids and I have lived in this house for over 15 years, and it was a nice quiet neighborhood away from the main roads.
We moved to Arizona to get away from the usual BS in Cal.
(Like a 15 year old opening up on the basketball courts at my then 13 year old daughter's school ,via drive by with a 12 gauge)
That was just the last straw.

Our neighbors here were all older people and couples that were quiet and either worked or were retired, so we bought the place we live in and it's been pretty nice.
A couple of monthes ago a young couple moved into a bank repo across the street.
A nice and fairly quiet young family with a couple of small kids that they keep a really close eye on when they are outside.

I like to keep to myself and want others (neighbors) to do the same, as I don't want to be talking to people all the time or feel that I have to wave at everyone all freakin day just because I want to go outside.

So, one day I finally did end up talking to the guy across the street because I saw him fighting with his car and not seeming to know what he was doing. (Turns out he didn't)
Anyway, he tells me that some friends of his are moving into the house next door to him, and I think "Hmm, maybe if we're lucky they will be nice quiet people and sorta keep to themselves like the rest of us in the neighborhood do.


This family that moved in must have 15 people (mixed brown and black and white with 4-5 adults and a shitload of screaming no manners little firetruckheads) and even the adults are total loudmouth lowlife scumbags.

All the kids out in the street at 6:00 am running around screaming and fighting and crying and throwing **** all over like empty soda bottles and cans and trash and toys, then walk off and leave it all laying in the street or drainage ditches.
Most anytime an adult says anything to the kids it's usually a REALLY loud demand of some sort like GET THE F BACK IN THE HOUSE!!! that can be heard for a block.

Next thing ya know all these little firetruckers and thier friends are playing in our front yard, hanging on the back of my Nissan pickup and talikin **** to each other with language that would make a hooker blush.
So I walk out front and stand there not saying anything for a min and they all kinda mosey back acroos the street into thier own yard.
Last night the kids and a couple of the adults were out in the street throwing a basketball around and I see a white Pitbull crossing my yard and stopping by to piss on the wheels of the cars out front, so I go out the front door and this F'n Pitbull is on my porch growling at me.

My first thought was to go in and get my Colt 357 mag and blow that sum bitches head right off. (I was pretty pissed)
The people look over and see the dog on my porch and say/do nothing. WTF?
I say "HEY" and one of the guys looks over and I point my finger at the dog like it was gun and drop my thumb down (you know, like a pistol hammer) and the guy calls the dog.
The dog pays no attention to the guy (GREAT, a Pit that won't mind)
Finally the guy comes over and picks the dog up and takes him back across the street. (I never said a word while he did it) just stood there looking at him.

GHETTO MENTALITY is what this is called.
No respect for others privacy or property.
Scream profanities at the kids outside.
Throw your **** down around the neighborhood and leave it.
Parties and cars in and out almost every night till 4-5am.
I'm pretty sure one of the people has a job because a truck drives up at 5:30am and honks the horn for someone to come out.

And now a lower property value.

Oh man I feel for ya. Make a call to the DEA and humane society quick! If it was me the rant would be far from over LOL. Good luck man
Damn. That's why we moved out here where my closest neighbor is way over 100 yards away with woods in between on all sides.
I have a family down the street from me that is about the same way. I just throw everything that they leave around my property back in their yard, because I have found out you cannot reason with dumb people.
Child services, animal control and dea would all be called asap. You can also call the city streets serivces and tell them that the street is filthy and full of garbage, useually they'll put a call into the right people to get the area cleaned up on a permenant basis. Start Videoing EVERYTHING, but be incognito about it. You don't want them calling the PD on you for "Watching" children....
Oh man I feel for ya. Make a call to the DEA and humane society quick! If it was me the rant would be far from over LOL. Good luck man
It's only over till some BS happens again.
Even my two boys 19 and 22 are like "WTF" dad?

Damn. That's why we moved out here where my closest neighbor is way over 100 yards away with woods in between on all sides.
Thats what I would do Stroker, but my customer base for my business are all in the local area.
Otherwise I ask ya if there was a piece of property up there for us.:D

I have a family down the street from me that is about the same way. I just throw everything that they leave around my property back in their yard, because I have found out you cannot reason with dumb people.
No you can't, and calling the police on dumb people just causes more bullshit because they feel they have the right to spill thier bullshit all over everyone else.
this is why i chose to move up north of phoenix... im in county where its just ranches and stuff...

sounds like you better transplant before they swarm lol...
Thats a tough thing to have to put up with.We had similar crap going on in the renter next door,ghetto mentality indeed!

Keep a record of what goes down. If needed call the cops,take no action on your own part unless it's self defence. These guys are crazy enough already without your help,so play it cool.

If it's a renter,you may be able to talk to the landlord about his new tenant's

I did,and maybe because the landlord was fully aware of my situation,the offenders we're tossed out.Either way,I wish you the best of luck and am sorry to hear of this. Myself,I have the above mentioned renter on one side,and a crazy old lady on the other.Sigh.....
TrailBeast, an old biker artist friend of mine passed away this passed Thanksgiving day and his home is set away from the street with 5 acres and a big shop. It will be selling for around 125,000. here in Grants Pass Oregon where there isn't any snow to speak of, nice people 99% white and a shitload of Californians who felt the same way as you. The herb is terrific, the weather is awesome most of the year and the house has a great woodstove and a heatpump as well. PM me if interested..
Damn that sucks! I really feel for you. I had the same thing, basically. A house full of 8 or 9 kids and adults, everyone of them as rude and annoying as the next. Not only did I have to look at them, hear and smell them every day and night, I also had many things stolen. Some items were my spare tire in my truck, the lights off my car trailer and the freakin garden hose!!! Who steals a hose? Scum, thats who! Anyway, I ended up moving away from the area. Im guessing you live in the West valley??? That was were I was, Glendale to be exact. Im in Down Town Phoenix now. My neighborhood is quiet and Im surrounded by older people and artists. I know running away isnt exactly how you fix problems but it fixed mine! I say either hang in there, run them off (meaning burn their house down) or vacate the area. Just a suggestion.
I would have blown the dogs head off, I have personally done it neighbor had a pitbull and it kept breaking it's chain and next thing the damn thing was in our yard, the straw that broke the camels back was it had a coon cornered behind my house one night at 3 a.m.!! Yeah I went outside with the .22 and it growled at me I shot it, needless to say I should have used the AK as it took a couple rounds before it went down! People have no respect for anyone's property other than themselves!!
I would instantly be out of a job if I did, and I'm not sure I could work for sombody else again.
I lived in Susanville Ca. for 15 years when I was growing up so a little snow does'nt bother me at all, and most of my relatives on my Mothers side live in Oregon, Washinton and Idaho. (So that's out :D) jk

Thanks for the offer though.

TrailBeast, an old biker artist friend of mine passed away this passed Thanksgiving day and his home is set away from the street with 5 acres and a big shop. It will be selling for around 125,000. here in Grants Pass Oregon where there isn't any snow to speak of, nice people 99% white and a shitload of Californians who felt the same way as you. The herb is terrific, the weather is awesome most of the year and the house has a great woodstove and a heatpump as well. PM me if interested..
i'd pay them a visit not being a ***** but to let them know that if they cant control there dog, i will. now they might get alittle bent but thats their problem remind them that a pit bull could be a problem dog if not properly trained and if they cant manage to keep it under control .... leave it at that. just me on the other hand if a dog like that was growling at me on my front porch i would have blasted it right in the brain bucket. i too have a bad rep dog ( doberman ) and when he's outside he is on a leash and he is with me
I know your pain, I to went through the same thing in the last house we lived in I had to Move,we went by the old house last week and those same low life's still live there and things look even worse.Good luck ya going to need it.Sorry.PS find out what music they do not like and blast it day and knight,your U.S. army did that and it work.
And there aint a chance in HELL i'd ever move to Phoenix.
Or is it the other way around? (There aint a chance in Phoenix i'd ever move to hell):D

Damn that sucks! I really feel for you. I had the same thing, basically. A house full of 8 or 9 kids and adults, everyone of them as rude and annoying as the next. Not only did I have to look at them, hear and smell them every day and night, I also had many things stolen. Some items were my spare tire in my truck, the lights off my car trailer and the freakin garden hose!!! Who steals a hose? Scum, thats who! Anyway, I ended up moving away from the area. Im guessing you live in the West valley??? That was were I was, Glendale to be exact. Im in Down Town Phoenix now. My neighborhood is quiet and Im surrounded by older people and artists. I know running away isnt exactly how you fix problems but it fixed mine! I say either hang in there, run them off (meaning burn their house down) or vacate the area. Just a suggestion.
Simple. I promise you whatever city or county municipality you live in has a leash law that states dogs have to be restrained to the owner's property. As said earlier, get video and pictures of the dog on your property. Law enforcement will have to act with that kinda evidence.
But I don't think they would hear it due to the (arriba) bullshit they play out front every day.

I know your pain, I to went through the same thing in the last house we lived in I had to Move,we went by the old house last week and those same low life's still live there and things look even worse.Good luck ya going to need it.Sorry.PS find out what music they do not like and blast it day and knight,your U.S. army did that and it work.
Thats about all I can do.
I can shoot the dog if need be, but I think the police would want to do more than give me a ticket for disharging a firearm in the city limits at the people.

Seriously though, I would never do that but it's interesting to entertain the thought sometimes.:D

Simple. I promise you whatever city or county municipality you live in has a leash law that states dogs have to be restrained to the owner's property. As said earlier, get video and pictures of the dog on your property. Law enforcement will have to act with that kinda evidence.
ive had my share of terrible people nextdoor, the main reason i moved out of the city and got a place where i cant hear anything but the occasional stock car test and tune down the road.
I just cant stand people like that. Keep an eye on them and maybe you will see something that can make them disappear!
If the dogs in your yard shoot the damn dog ...... If it get ahold of u you aint getting it off ive had pits when they bite You aint got enough power to pull the jaws apart will not mind the owner its time to shoot them ..... As For the owner Thats ez start throwing it back in there yard
Thats about all I can do.
I can shoot the dog if need be, but I think the police would want to do more than give me a ticket for disharging a firearm in the city limits at the people.

Seriously though, I would never do that but it's interesting to entertain the thought sometimes.:D

You CAN capture the dog and have animal control come pick it up. I've done that before. We have an enclosed patio and I just let a stray dog right in and shut the gate behind him. Called animal control and they came right out and got him. THAT my friend is perfectly legal and your neighbors cannot do a damn thing about it because the dog came onto your property. It aint your fault he likes t bone steaks.