15 min.'s of fame in a sad way



I have escaped the EVIL Empire State!
FABO Gold Member
Jun 21, 2005
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Well, it's a sad way of getting on TV, but, I thought I just toss up a link. I was interviewed by a local TV station and CBS at a crash site. Still in a bit of shock at what I seen right in front of me , maybe, 60 - 70 feet away. The press asked question that were not hard, just a bit blown away I was when I seen it. Had I been a few mph faster, it would have been me.

Wait a min. for the begining bologna.

The mutha fraker that was running from the cops BLASTED this Camry at an easy 70+ MPH. He sold some landscapeing equipment and the stuck on stupid jerk tried to sell it to the guy he stoled it from. The guy called the cops and they came, tried to arrest Mr. Stuck on stupid whom was still trying to sell the equipment. He then decides to run away, into his car, draging the cop.

That cop got up and gave chase. Mr. Stuck on Stupid runs a red light blasting the Camry, T-bone style) so hard he lifts the car up off all 4 wheels and moves it a good 30 feet into the woods. The Camry bounces up and lands sandwhiched between the trees and the Jeep. That hit it again.

The crash sound was so freakin loud and debrise went straight up like projectiles from a explosion. OUI!

Mr. Stuck on Stuipd lives due to an airbag. Arested he was! I alllllmost can't wait to tell my tale to the jury.
All I'm getting is a hotmail log in when I click the link.

Did this just happen today?
I'll post other links later.

Happened yesterday.
I seen a bad crash while waiting at a light, this car turn left into 60mph on coming traffic... I was stun for a moment thinking did that just happen, The sound is unreal! Cant explain that sound!
WOW Rob I cant believe that something like that could happen on Long Island!!! L.O.L.
I know there's nothing in the world like that metal to metal sound during a car accident.
I'm glad that you're OK!
Where's that happen?

Horseblock Rd. and Old Medford Ave @ the Citco gas station. I was interview along with who I believe was the gas station owner.

I made channel 2 (CBS) 7 (ABC) and News 12 Long Island. Also 880 CBS (I think) Radio.

I'm having problems linking the bits from the stations. My wife is better at this computer thing and E-mailed me the clips 2 days ago. I still have not got them.

LOL @ Ted. Ya, you now what it's like around here. Dopey people. This was made worse by Captin Idiot.

I later learned the fella kiled was 47, Dad of 3 young one. His wife was on the tube yesterday.
Sorry to hear that you had to see that, and I feel worse for the Dad. What a shame.

A friend of mine saw some guy jump under a train when he was 12. The guy was carrying a briefcase and was wearing a business suit and was just waiting for the train to cross at the gate on the sidewalk with my friend. He just dove right at it. Messed my friend up for a long time.
Ah, I know where that is. That was in today's paper. The guy's other 2 brothers died last year (I think).

Amazing how stupid some people can be.

Was that you in that vid with the funky 'stache? ;-)

Every time I see something on News 12 or one of the semi-local stations with people from LI I cringe when I hear the accent. It sounds awful. Then I realize that I sound like that.
Looks and sounds a lot like the late Jim Croce. Thought during the interview he was going to break into "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown".
Sorry you had to witness that Rob.

I just made my teenagers watch this video so they can see why I keep telling them to look way down the road both ways when approaching intersections cause you never know when some nut- job is going to blast right on through and kill you.

I still say that when crimes like this happen, the should let the family of the victims have quick justice with the perp.
I would personally take that sucker for a drag down a slagged service road, and stop every couple hundred feet to pour rubbing alcohol on the wounds.
Was that you in that vid with the funky 'stache? ;-)

Yep, that be me. Needs a trim it does.

Old_Demon; Looks and sounds a lot like the late Jim Croce. Thought during the interview he was going to break into "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown".
He he he, yaaaaa, I get the Jim C thing alot. Then the drunks say Frank Zappa. One fella swore I was the drummer for Blue Oyster Cult.

cudaspaz; It was a crazy sight to see live and only 50 - 60 feet away. My stero was about 1/3 the way up. It's pumps out the tunes preety well, so a 1/3 is fine. The impact sound was nuts!

I pulled right over to perhaps do something that may help. (Damn upbringing :angry7: , LOL!)
I'll be honest, I'm glad I pulled over. I'd do it again in a heartbeat flat.

That day, the police and ambulance crews came fast. I couldn't help if I tried. Would if I could, but couldn't that day. It was over before I got out of my car. I stayed behind to give the cops my eyewitness acount and number.

I'll be on the stand sooner or later.

Ramcharger; He'll swing, he'll swing for it. Draging a cop on a stolen goods issue and veh. manslaughter at a min.
I pulled right over to perhaps do something that may help. (Damn upbringing :angry7: , LOL!)
I'll be honest, I'm glad I pulled over. I'd do it again in a heartbeat flat.

That day, the police and ambulance crews came fast. I couldn't help if I tried. Would if I could, but couldn't that day. It was over before I got out of my car. I stayed behind to give the cops my eyewitness acount and number.

I'll be on the stand sooner or later.

Ramcharger; He'll swing, he'll swing for it. Draging a cop on a stolen goods issue and veh. manslaughter at a min.

Good, I hope he does. You did the right thing Rumble. :cheers:
Yep, that be me. Needs a trim it does.

He he he, yaaaaa, I get the Jim C thing alot. Then the drunks say Frank Zappa. One fella swore I was the drummer for Blue Oyster Cult.

cudaspaz; It was a crazy sight to see live and only 50 - 60 feet away. My stero was about 1/3 the way up. It's pumps out the tunes preety well, so a 1/3 is fine. The impact sound was nuts!

I pulled right over to perhaps do something that may help. (Damn upbringing :angry7: , LOL!)
I'll be honest, I'm glad I pulled over. I'd do it again in a heartbeat flat.

That day, the police and ambulance crews came fast. I couldn't help if I tried. Would if I could, but couldn't that day. It was over before I got out of my car. I stayed behind to give the cops my eyewitness acount and number.

I'll be on the stand sooner or later.

Ramcharger; He'll swing, he'll swing for it. Draging a cop on a stolen goods issue and veh. manslaughter at a min.

He should hang.
Maybe if they hung bstrd's like that in public so all the little kiddies could see, then maybe when the kiddies grow up, they won't even think about doing something so amazingly stupid.
Same should apply for crooked politicians, but that's another topic.
That is a very sad occurance for sure,I feel for the Father and his Family "VERY SAD". I have seen some terrible things happen in my lifetime so far, I used to drive an ambulance in the City of Houston back in 1971 and 1972 before the Houston fire Dept. took it all over! and man did I seem some terrible accidents and sites during those couple of years! It got so bad I had to quit because of the terrible things we seen daily.
Back then we didn't Practice Medicine on the scene!
We could only deliver "BASIC" first aid and get them to the Hospital as fast and as safely as possible! I didn't ride in the back much I was mainly a "DRIVER" and "DRIVE" I DID! LOL ! The Company I worked for had Chevrolet Suburbans with Big Block Chevy engines and they would almost "FLY"! We could get a patient to the Medical Center Downtown in a "HURRY"! And Mullinax I was thinking exactly what you were about the accent. I love to hear the different accents, Northerners, North and South Carolinas, Georgia, Tennesse, Austraulian and British are a few of my favorites.You Northerners are some "FUNNY CHARACTERS".
I also like the different termonology used by people in the different geographical areas! Like POP instead of coke,carpocket instead of trunk and so on! LOL
FWIW, Auto deaths are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the US, far ahead of any other cause!


That is so tragic, very sad. I can't for the life of me figure out why we don't severly punish people that run from the law. They should lose their drivers license forever and spend a mandatory 10 years in prison at the least if no one is permantly injured or killed.
haha yeah it's kinda funny listening to Northerners talk, but then again with our slow drawl talk y'all probably think we are the funny ones lol.
Where I work we used to have a Pharmacist that was from Maryland and the way she talked seemed as though it was a 3rd world country up there,because she didn't have a clue about what we were talking about half the time. She didn't really know what a tornado was, didn't know we had horny toads down here (thought we were lying to her about that one until we googled it haha) Thought we all rode horses and wore cowboy hats, and never heard the term Noodling and thought we were trying to set her up for a joke on that one hahah. OH and also thought we were also pulling her leg saying that we drink out of mason jars at times lol. IDK we all can't be the same I guess lol.
haha yeah it's kinda funny listening to Northerners talk, but then again with our slow drawl talk y'all probably think we are the funny ones lol.

Hey, listen up dare dood, we aint da onez that tawk funny, its yooze guyz who tawk funny like dat. Weezeis da onez speakin da queens english, ya got dat?


I work for a global company and speak with a lot of non-New Yawk-ers all day long and find I have to tone down my New York-ness udderwize dey cant understand me. Knowatimsayin?