A Letter From Hell

First of all, I am not of closed mind as implied by some. Instead I am of open mind, in fact I consider myself to be open to everything. Unfortunately, I am simply one who must disassemble to understand. You name the item, I've probably taken one apart, studied it, learned about it, then attempted to put it all together. What I know of mechanical and electrical systems is not just what I have been taught, but what I have observed, although I love to be taught (hence me being on this forum). <<Well said OneOfMany.....Agreement abounds.>>

When I was a young lad, and going to school, one topic that interested me was the theory of plate tectonics. This is the theory that the earth's crust is not one solid piece, but instead is comprised of separate plates that move independent of each other. The theory was that the movement of these plates were responsible for the volcanoes, and the earthquakes, and the mountain ranges, and the ability for animals and humans to traverse the world. Imagine my surprise when ten years later, reading my youngest brothers textbook, that this was now considered factual. Now, of course, with satellites, measurement of the movement is documented. <<<More agreement... true science in action....learning from what is observed>>>

The geologic column was a theory of early geologists that the layers of various sediment deposits could define the age of the material, by their location in the strata layers. It also was a belief that this layer, which took millions of years to occur, could define the age of various fossils, based on the layer that they were found in. <<< Let me point out that it is STILL the basis upon which the entire evolutionary model hinges...nothing has changed...yes, there are other dating methods used, such as carbon, but it's admittedly unreliable....the strata in question were formed according to theory over millions of years each, and solidified/crystallized taking that amount of time....then came the next layer, and so on>>> In the early 80's creationists used the recent (at the time) fact that because this theoretical model was not accurate (from analysis by geologists) to call into question the evolution of the earth. <<< Most evolutionary geologists still argue that is very accurate indeed....textbooks are still replete with the teaching>>> They argues that areas that did not conform to the model instead "proved" that the timelines geologists previously assumed was flawed, and therefore extrapolated that to fit with their "young earth" theory. <<<The type of extrapolation to which you refer, if I understand you correctly, would be careless>>> Currently, geologists and biologists use various types of "measurements" to date both organic and non-organic materials. Whether it is Carbon-14 or electron spin resonance (for organic) or Isotope dating (using measurable radioactive decay properties) on non-organic material, the concept of the geological column is not a currently accepted model. <<< again, it is the basis upon which the entirety of their model is hinged...it is still taught and propogated by evolutionists, along with the supposed specifics of each of their corresponding "era's" of evolution>>>> However, the current methods of measurement "do" support the "old earth" model. <<<Since there is a great deal yet to be learned relative to dating and the actual Hebrew syntactical layout of the Genesis accounts, "old earth" / "young earth" is not necessarily relative to the debate of evolution....it's an interesting argument, but not necessary to the debate>>>

Polystrate fossils are simply fossils (best known examples are trees), that extend through various layers of sediment. To assume that all layers of sediment occurred equally in depth at all locations around this planet is absurd. <<< The point of fact is missed here....a polystrate fossil has been hardened into, and taken on the chracteristics of, each individual strata that it passes through....to fit your contention, a tree must have been able to stand without rotting for millions of years as the next later or strata formed around it....We're talking about actual "era's" of existence here, not just sediment that could be layed down quickly....a tree or other organism rots very quickly....a polystrate is not found in different layers of mud, rather different layers of fossilized rock, separated in theory by millions of yesrs... this is quite impossible to say the least>>> Even looking at events that occur today, with volcanic activity, flooding, and earthquakes, the face of the planet, and the deposits of material on it are in a constant state of evolution. One hundred feet of trees that existed along the shores of Lake Winnipeg (and the corresponding clams, crayfish and rotting fish) are now somewhere in the strata of the lakebed due to high water levels 40 years ago. I'm sure if you compared the depth of them to the "average strata deposit per year", they would measure as having been there for a few thousand years. <<<That is correct...it supports the facts....but again, you speak of events that happen over a few minutes, or decades, not millions of years...your argument has merit for a study of geologic occurrences or general field sciences, but not for polystrates>>>

"Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species. Sometimes a symbiotic relationship benefits both species, sometimes one species benefits at the other's expense, and in other cases neither species benefits.

Ecologists use a different term for each type of symbiotic relationship:

Mutualism -- both species benefit
Commensalism -- one species benefits, the other is unaffected
Parasitism -- one species benefits, the other is harmed
Competition -- neither species benefits
Neutralism -- both species are unaffected"


How one can stretch a symbiotic relationship to say it cannot evolve is unbelievable. <<< Perhaps I should have clarified... to be brief, and for a quick example of what I refer to, the Bumble Bee Lily is solely dependent upon the Bumble Bee (no other Bee) for it's pollenation.... the organs of the Lily look exactly like the reproductive organs of a female B-Bee.... the males flock to it, thus pollenating from Lily to Lily....under close scientific scrutiny, no other insects pollenate the Lily...only the B-Bees...these types of symbiosis are replete in nature...quite a coincidence....they support intelligent design>>> .there areSymbiosis is a perfect example for evolution. If one species finds an advantage in being in proximity to the other - whether for food or protection, and by being in proximity to that species it increases their chance and/or ease of survival, it is natural for it to occur. We all tend to gravitate to that which makes life easier. I use cats to kill mice, because they are better at it. The cat comes home because I feed it. In the wild, some relationships are much more specific of course, but why would my kids search out another animal by trying them all to catch the mice, when the cat is living in the house? Or forage in the woods for food, when the refrigerator is in the kitchen? I did not invent the computer, or the language I am using, yet my world today is more complex in nature than that of my parents, and the same for them to their parents.

Intelligent design routinely uses the watchmaker analogy to illustrate that a complex design must come from a more intelligent creator. First off, if this analogy is taken to it's word, then the ultimate creator, obviously more complex than us, must have have been precluded by one even more intelligent and complex. <<< That's a purely human argument, as if any man could comprehend the nature of such a Creator....Like a flea attempting to join in our discussion....it wouldn't work....even a single human cell is so complex that the watchmaker argument pales in comparison....and now the scientific study through electron microprobe elemental analysis (on a scale just within our reach in the past 2 years), there are actual "machines" that carry the needed compounds to varying areas of the cell.....working in the same way we understand supply chains....now this is not my statement....the term "machines" is used by the scientists who have made the discoveries....absolutely baffling to the sci-community>>>>

Secondly, the watch design is the accumulation of complex inventions and processes. First the ability to create fire, then to find metals in minerals, then to smelt these out; the understanding of fulcrums, gears, gear reduction, the process of manufacturing the parts, the process of organizing and assembling these parts, the understanding of time. These were not the invention of one individual, but the culmination of knowledge and pratices over a long period of time. All that we can do now is based on our ability to not have to learn everything we as humans have ever known. We can be taught. Without the cumulation of knowledge, the Bible stories would still be passed orally, not printed mechanically.

My dog is a herder. This did not come naturally, it was bred into him. I own no sheep, yet his herding insticts do show up periodically. Intelligent design says that such perfection and organization is impossible without a designer. Why? Molecular structures are perfect, compounds form in organized structures (all salt is the same structurally). Responses to environment shapes structure. My child had no concept of structural mechanics, or a degree in engineering, but by three knew that if she stacked her blocks in a single column as opposed to a pyramid, they were more likely to fall.

If the young earth theory is true, why do current creationist theologians profess that the creation took 2,000 years (from 6000-4000BC) when it is written that it took 7? I know of no credible creationists (by test of time, that is) who purport the earth to have taken 2000 years to create....the debate has been primarily over the "literal" or "spiritual" interpretation of "a day" in the Hebrew>>>

If the great flood is as described, then how did one man gather and keep two of each of the 1.5 million species <<< You forget to subtract the vast numbers of water species, and to properly compute the actual number of species believed to exist at the time of Noah...sub species that have come from millenia of interbreeding (by man and in nature) must be accounted for....if your research is thorough, the numbers crunch quite nicely >>>> (some taxonomists estimate the actual value to be up to 100,000,000) in a single vessel, and why and how are they so widespread around the world? How can the diversity of race and culture be explained in a mere 4,000 years? Please dont use the tower of babel story, please use science. <<<To begin, at the Tower, there were diverse cultures already in existence that were dispersed....but you don't want to hear that one....I guess, using science as you put it, neither you or I can argue it successfully....since "science" is the study of that which is OBSERVED.... you cannot use science....you can, however, use mathematics, and solve your riddles.....these questions have already been answered successfully for those who will simply do the research>>> Many cultures such as the Chines have calendars dating back over 5,000 years. <<<< Proper calculation of recorded history supports the scriptures.....appx. 4004 BC to Adam.......there are many variants to be considered in your arguments, and timelines are no exception....purposeful tampering has occurred with calendar systems (documented), and variable timelines and computations due to varying calculational methods in different cultures....ALL of the calendars differ as to years and totals >>>>

To close, I've enjoyed the debates guys, and I respect all our rights giving us this freedom......Thank God for the free West...... But, to reiterate, you cannot prove the existence of God scientifically.....He won't let you ("The foolishnesses of God have been put here to confound the wisdom of the wise", according to the Scriptures)......All of our searching for scientific explanations for the Biblical accounts will end in nothing. The bottom line is this......... Some will choose to believe in Him like a little child (faith and trust), and others will choose to deny Him and take their chances. If you just rest in that, there's little more to say.

(but how about it.......how do you explain man and dinosaur living contemporaneously? Impossible, but true, and now documented, although covered up relative to textbooks and teachings on TV and the like.....If there's one thing I hate, it's when a truth is discovered and then hidden by the powerful and elite >>>> :read2:
I just want to thank you guys for treating each others views with respect and acting like true adults. Often these discussions get way out of hand on the internet. Not true here. Thanks.
If you don&#8217;t read anything else I have written, read this.
I received a phone call this morning.
After along life and declining health, my sister&#8217;s mother-in-law has died.
I always like the lady. I&#8217;ll miss her.
In the same way that I miss other people I have known that are gone.

I&#8217;m going to suggest that if you are focusing on heaven and hell you are missing the point.
The Jewish historian Josephus says &#8220;there was a man, if he can be called a man&#8221;.
And that &#8220;Man&#8217;s&#8221; object wasn&#8217;t to send everyone to torment.
Thinking about carrots and sticks are a distorted view.
His object was very different.
It&#8217;s about resurrection. It&#8217;s about life.
It is out side the realm of science but according to the great legal minds and historians of the ages, the evidence for His resection hasn&#8217;t broken down yet.

From what I read the documents are there to &#8220;prove&#8221; it to some pretty impressive legal minds. That won&#8217;t change today, tomorrow or a hundred more years from now.
And the idea is that if He can rise from the dead, maybe we can.

It is for that Hope that The Greatest Story Every was told.
Why is there suffering in the word? Why does God allow it?
What are the alternatives?
Do you want to have free will or not?
Do you want to be a robot?
If the law of gravity makes us stay planted for a quarter mille launch in our Mopars, what would you want to happen if a person fell off a building?
Do you want them to float up and not fall down?
We can&#8217;t have it both ways.

But what about the billions of Chinese? What will happen to all those people?
What about suffering?

The atheist, Anthony Flew, ask the following question about Hitler. The concept of eternal punishment is one of the reasons Flew has been an atheist. How could a &#8220;just&#8221; God condemn someone, anyone to ETERNAL torment?
(Although Flew seems to be changing as he starts looking into the grave himself. See what he says about DNA)

Hitler was a bad person. Let&#8217;s say he was responsible for the suffering death of at least six million people. What punishment does Hitler deserve for that? A blowtorch in the face for a week? A month? A year? But does he deserve an eternity of having a blowtorch in his face for what he did?

I think that is God&#8217;s problem.
Not ours.
I wouldn&#8217;t want to make that decision.
I just want to thank you guys for treating each others views with respect and acting like true adults. Often these discussions get way out of hand on the internet. Not true here. Thanks.

What can I say Adam........ We're Mopar Guys (a truly rare breed).
Thanks, and thanks for keeping up the great site..... It would be a LOT more difficult to build good cars without this place....... Doc :cheers:
OK here are my thoughts, I do first of all respect each opinion here. 1: I do believe that all the hell that some people will every see, they will see on earth. I do believe that all the heaven that some people will every see, they will see on earth also. 2: I think it is very clear that we do live with evolution. People, plants and animals are very slowly changing. Man may have been ape like at one point, I really do not know or care. What I do know (believe) is God breathed a spirit into somebody or something and it became mankind. How long did this take? When did it happen? I am sure it was a slow process by our timing. When we received a spirit is when we became made in Gods image. 3: The early christians were not perfect, the modern christians are not perfect, athiests are not perfect, buddists are not perfect, nor are muslims. GOD LOVES US ANYWAY AND WANTS TO SPEND FOREVER WITH US. 4: If you do not believe in God or any of His miracles, you will never see them. If you do believe, you will see it EVERY DAY. 5: I hope and pray each of you find what every it is that you are looking for. But please do not forget to look right under your nose as sometimes things are more simple than we will let them be.
I personally have been torn by the idea of religion for a long time. I read the bible and found it to have a lot of good life lessons and strong moral values. I then attended services at a local christian church and found that the pastor, albeit a knowledgeable person, interpreted the bible to a point that I thought wasn't what it meant. Troubled by this I then attended my friends temple and found the same sort of thing, both taught good values but both attempted to show you there views. In school I took a history of religion course for more information on religions from around the world. I have since come to the conclusion that all religions were invented for a single perpouse and that is to explain the unexplainable. Take the middle age christians for example they believed that everything revolved around the earth, when Galileo Galilei discovered that this was not true and brought this to attention the church would have nothing to do with it and essentially condemned him. I am sure that examples like this are prevalent in all religions and I am not trying to say that one is better than another. If god is such a caring entity then why do people die every day in his/her name? Being the moral person I am I have a hard time believing in any religion that some one has died in the name of or been forced to view. Any way pastortom1 you would have a lot easer time convincing people of your ideas if they didn't contradict them selfs and please don't ask me to point them out because they are there. I read all of the posts carefully and was more confused every time I did. OneOfMany I think you have some good points that are well illustrated and lots of life lessons to back them up.
What about the aliens?8):happy10::happy10::happy10::farao:
I personally have been torn by the idea of religion for a long time. I read the bible and found it to have a lot of good life lessons and strong moral values. I then attended services at a local christian church and found that the pastor, albeit a knowledgeable person, interpreted the bible to a point that I thought wasn't what it meant. Troubled by this I then attended my friends temple and found the same sort of thing, both taught good values but both attempted to show you there views. In school I took a history of religion course for more information on religions from around the world. I have since come to the conclusion that all religions were invented for a single perpouse and that is to explain the unexplainable. Take the middle age christians for example they believed that everything revolved around the earth, when Galileo Galilei discovered that this was not true and brought this to attention the church would have nothing to do with it and essentially condemned him. I am sure that examples like this are prevalent in all religions and I am not trying to say that one is better than another. If god is such a caring entity then why do people die every day in his/her name? Being the moral person I am I have a hard time believing in any religion that some one has died in the name of or been forced to view. Any way pastortom1 you would have a lot easer time convincing people of your ideas if they didn't contradict them selfs and please don't ask me to point them out because they are there. I read all of the posts carefully and was more confused every time I did. OneOfMany I think you have some good points that are well illustrated and lots of life lessons to back them up.
What about the aliens?8):happy10::happy10::happy10::farao:

Hi, it is common for someone to belive all religions seek the same God and they are all equal...but I must correct. For like a math equation there may be millions of multiple choice answers...but only one is correct. But wait! let us analyze what religion is first. According to a definition of "religion" it is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or God. a particular system of faith and worship. a pursuit or interest followed with devotion. "religious" of concerned with or believing in a religion.

that said...I can now say I am not! religious nor do I follow a religious sytem...for religions (not all ex. buddism believe theres actually no God) pursue and seek a or the +
God. They fall short not knowing that we as believers do not seek God for God is seeking us. Jesus was born through HIS holy spirit to dwell in him and to be the perfect witness on earth for us to believe in him with faith. one must be born again and be reborn with Gods righteous spirit allowing us to no longer practice sin...but righteous will of God. One cannot get to the father alone but must go trhough jesus which was set for us for a purpose. we would no longer have to do the traditions and sacrifices from the old testament for a new law was set through jesus sacrifice. ( sticking to the religion topic) religion is a sytem that from humans and not from God. The new covenant when jesus resurected and left the spirit to work on earth (to me) is the belief one must have and follow...not a religion...


that verse is from the angel sending out the message to the 7 churches...it says remember how we all have received and heard of the new good news (the new testament which was through jesus christ teachings) the start of the church...that church was made up by the bodies that believed and followed christ. hence we are als his church....not a religion.

hold fast! asks us to consider the beginning of the church which has been lost for a long time...to watch and keep an eye on. and therfore repent for our errors and offenses.

to conclude I would strongly reconsider where you have derived your beliefs in that all religions are similar and seek the same purpose to explainthe unexplicable...therfore saying they all seek the same God...for all religions made up by humans actually contradict eachother therfore not being equal nor right. Read the scriptures before taking ideas brought out of no strong ground and roots and decide for yourself what is right for the spirit of God works in us, its a matter of asking him for understanding. many lies and false ideas will be brought up just like the one of all religions seeks the same devine God and it doesn't matter which road you take. (ps as well as the false stories of extratarestials) Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Mathew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall decieve many.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who provily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

May the holy spirit of God have grace (spiritual influence) upon us all so that we may do His will and not ours which is naturally sinfull.
Glory to God who has promised us glory along with him and not to perish which is what this world offers. Yes pleasures and fun can be in this world...but for how long...God be with u all.
Mathew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall decieve many.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who provily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.QUOTE]

whos to say that jesus was or wasnt a false prophet? Anybody whos trying to spread their own religion is going to bash on others, (and yes, even christians), and ive seen it happen from almost all religions against each other. once again i see "join us or see swift destruction" that is what i see christianity and others trying to teach us,....so much for all the good morals
I got thinking about Adam's comment on how we seem to have these discussions in a relatively peaceful manner on the site.......

.........Now, this is my opinion.......not a fact........just an opinion.....

Maybe the reason we guys can talk about this stuff here and not hit each other over the head with a camshaft (although, I would not be at all surprised if the the thought had already occurred on one side or the other) is because we have a sense (perhaps greater than some) of what true freedom means.......

I don't mean freedom from oppression or some of the more serious conditions that exist in other nations............what I mean, and it's hard to describe, is this...............

A Mopar guy is a rare bird considering the facts......there are a gazillion Fords and Chevy's out there, but the Mopars are much fewer and far between. This rarity makes us a part of a "friendly" elite, and I've always sensed a sort of special comradery, so to speak, with other guys.

Maybe the rarity contributes to a greater sense of "freedom" when we hit the open road in a Mopar..........I'm tellin' ya', as I've stated here, that when I get out in the fresh air and sunshine with my Dodge, my heart practically explodes with a sense of freedom.........................I'm sure all car guys could make somewhat the same claim.......BUT..........

It's GREAT to be driving my Mopar, and to talk to all of you guys about whatever in the world we want to talk about, without fear of having someone put a gun to our heads for simply exercising that freedom.

Thanks guys.................... Again Adam (and all the other moderators and administrators), great site.

Doc :wav:
res1 you bring up very good points about the "church being wrong". The church has made many mistakes in history. Crusades do not look like a good idea now. Witch hunts and burring at the stake seem very cruel and not christian and forgiving like. Could it be that because the church is made up of humans and humans are not perfect, that mistakes have been made and will be made in the future. I do believe the church is guided by God. God guides each of us as individuals but he still gives us free choice to listen and act or do as we wish. I do agree with you that not every sermon that is preached hits a home run with me. Some will even be politically slanted. But if we only look at the negative side of things, we will never enjoy the positive side. This applies to everything in life not just religion. As far as how could God allow suffering in the world, we all grow as humans in defeats and sufferings. We also grow in success. Both shape who we are. We would not be complete without each. I know that my kids do not like when I deny them something they want or when they have to do chores (suffering). But when they still love me after I have been an uncaring father (God), I know then that their love for me is great and true. Now I know this is small potatos compared to the troubles of the universe but if we still love God after our suffering, ours will be a great and wonderful love that is worthy of God the Father. Also please do not forget that the whole world laughed at Galileo. Science is always making new discovers and changing what they and us believe to be true. 100 years from now some of the things that scientists KNOW ARE TRUE will be disproved. Learning will always continue. For most people science will never prove or disprove the existance of God. Faith is needed to prove and faith is not scientific.
Thanson, we as christians believe that it our service to God to try and spread the saving grace of Jesus. Sometimes we may come on to stong, sometimes not strong enough. We believe doom will exist for all who will not turn to Jesus including ourselves if we do not remain true. If I die and find there is no God than I have not lost anything for I try to do good on earth. (although I fail many times). If an unbeliever dies and finds there is a God.... I pray God is will be compansionate and forgiving, of course I pray He will be forgiving when I die also.
Mathew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall decieve many.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who provily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.QUOTE]

whos to say that jesus was or wasnt a false prophet? Anybody whos trying to spread their own religion is going to bash on others, (and yes, even christians), and ive seen it happen from almost all religions against each other. once again i see "join us or see swift destruction" that is what i see christianity and others trying to teach us,....so much for all the good morals

Jesus was created not to be a prophet of God...but as a perfect son of God...his spirit was and is of God...therfore he who believes in him will believe in the father...

through the spirits power...he did Gods will and miracles in a world not much different than ours obviously and still many rejected him and some even accused him of working for stan because he casted evil spirits out of people...but he responded that it is not possible for a man of satan to work against satan.

Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mat 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

if you anylyze the life of the messaiah Jesus Christ...you can have good grounds to decide weather he was true or false...for he did not come to condemn anyone...but to make a bridge from the lost world taken by the evil and give us all a way to God. He does not want! anyone to perish...and think about it...what's the point of having a consequense for not believing in God and his sent son? well there has to be one...or else the whole point of prooving satan there are till faithfull righteous followers of God. and if there is no consequence for those who not believe then what's the whole purpose of believing if there r people who do not want to accept the consequence of a loving father. if there is not consequence there isno reason to be reached by God and be saved from a world taken by satan...for satan has been casted into earth sincethe fall for a reason...

it is not wise to compare these teachings to teachings of religions which are led by men trying to seeks God...this is what the word of Gos teaches us through his book and not through religion. The church cannot be also seen as hypocrits nor bad for im not talking about a literal church...it is our bodies...our souls where Gods spirit can dwell in, that is our church. The church jesus has set up but that has been lost due to religions and rituals of men...ys it is good to gather with other belivers and study the word. and reach others.

I know the ignorance of people because I see it in family members and in some friends. and the ignorance comes from people being used to seeking a good successful life...to go out and have fun...that one should live life to the fullest and have a blast while u can...to enjoy the things material pleasures...

I know that believing in God and his word is hard because it is asking us to be born out of a pagan world(yes I know for most it doesn't seem pagan...but its because as for now it is occult)

and its hard to leave the traits that bring us short from God...it wasn't easy for me...we have to spiritually die(and ys it will stink and will smell like rotten meat to others) but only then can the spirt of God replace your own and work well in you.

there are many believer including in the so called christian religion...that fal a little short from God and that could be in many ways...maybe their ways of understanding and teaching are not as God asks...but the word of God cannot be judged because of a believer who is not perfect and may not be in that narrow way yet.
Mathew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall decieve many.

2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who provily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.QUOTE]

whos to say that jesus was or wasnt a false prophet? Anybody whos trying to spread their own religion is going to bash on others, (and yes, even christians), and ive seen it happen from almost all religions against each other. once again i see "join us or see swift destruction" that is what i see christianity and others trying to teach us,....so much for all the good morals

How to prove that Jesus was for real?

Study prophecy. Of the 300+ prophecies concerning a coming Messiah, all have been fulfilled by Jesus except the Rapture and His Second Coming.

The mathematical odds of even just 8 of these prophecies being fulfilled by just one man is somwhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 17 to the 34th power.

That's like painting a quarter red, and then filling the state of Texas 3 feet deep with silver quarters, and then randomly hiding the red one somewhere in that vast sea of quarters, and then having someone reach in and pull out the red quarter. The odds of that happening are reportedly 1 in 17 to the 34th power. It's in the trillions!

And that's having fulfilled only 8 out of 300+ Bible prophecies!

It is mathematically impossible for just one man to fullfill over 300 of the Bible prophecies concerning the coming Messiah, and yet Jesus has fullfilled them all, except for the Rapture and the Second Coming.

How to prove that Jesus was for real?

Study prophecy. Of the 300+ prophecies concerning a coming Messiah, all have been fulfilled by Jesus except the Rapture and His Second Coming.

The mathematical odds of even just 8 of these prophecies being fulfilled by just one man is somwhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 17 to the 34th power.

That's like painting a quarter red, and then filling the state of Texas 3 feet deep with silver quarters, and then randomly hiding the red one somewhere in that vast sea of quarters, and then having someone reach in and pull out the red quarter. The odds of that happening are reportedly 1 in 17 to the 34th power. It's in the trillions!

And that's having fulfilled only 8 out of 300+ Bible prophecies!

It is mathematically impossible for just one man to fullfill over 300 of the Bible prophecies concerning the coming Messiah, and yet Jesus has fullfilled them all, except for the Rapture and the Second Coming.


That is true ramhi4X.

I have met many believers and non believers who still are not aware of the full prophesies, which ones have been fullfilled and how the world is setting up the scene for the last prophesies to be fullfilled. I have knowledge of how our world is setting up and is to be set up for the end times and tribulation...and it seems to be very close...I believe a lot of these plans that will set up the scene are going to be uncovered very soon in a blendly matter...I have to say that knowing the world people have grown to like so much has grown my faith and my awareness 100 times more! For I do not want to be part of this world but instead part of Gods kingdom. Which is the bodies of all who have accepted God. Im not saying not to enjoy having a good time with family and friends, but most of us know what is good and what is not...and if you learn what our world is really up to having a good knowledge of the bible...then youll know whats good from wrong iin more accuratness...youll know what to hear...what not to hear...what to see...what not to see...what to believe and not what to believe...in it all...

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (It would be wise to study how to identify a false prophet before trying them and questioning them)
To add a note of fact to the computations, putting it in more understandable terms..........(if it CAN be understood).............

For any one man in all of history, any man at all, to have fulfilled to the letter, just 11 of the main points of Bible prophecy (which Jesus DID....and we're not talking about "Nostradamus" style boogaloo..... I mean to the letter), the odds have been computed (by man's modern computers) to be over -One Billion Times 10 Billion- to 1......................

How much proof do you want? We condemn and exectute murderers based upon MUCH less evidence than this (if you compute the odds based upon DNA sampling.... it's miniscule to say the least when compared)...............

Yet, again, some people will NEVER be convinced, no matter how much evidence is presented.

THAT'S a fact Jack. :dontknow:
and where did these prophesies come from? this all "supposedly" happened a very long time ago, alot can be created if it were to help the story. If somebody came to me that said that they were the son of god, sent directly by god himself, (weather his teachings were good natured or not) i think i would refer him to the mental institution.
The prophecies came from writers centuries before Jesus was ever born..........There is no way he could have orchestrated the fulfillment of them..............especially the exact place of His birth.

There was a man named Lee Strobel, a professional, who felt the same way you apparently do about these things. So zealous about his beliefs that God did not exist, he set out to disprove the Bible and it's contentions about Jesus Christ.

Today, he not only professes Christ, but is zealous for telling people that in his quest to disprove it, he ended with a startling realization that the evidence FOR Christ and all of the Biblical claims was overwhelming.

"The Case for Christ", by Lee Strobel. Do you dare read it? A truly open mind should certainly want to explore such an expose'....that is, if they're thirsty for real knowledge. :read2:
I have not read the book, but the Internet allows me to read others reviewing the book. Of course, as with anything written that is not based on pure fact, these must also be taken with a grain of scepticism. Overall, the most compelling statements made, are not in the individual rebuttals to the information presented (which of course would also have to be documented properly), but that the author of this work chose to only base his findings by discussions with those already in a pro-christian position. This is akin to someone asking on this board which manufacturer designed and built the best engines, or transmissions, or body styles. I'm sure that the response would be markedly different on the blue oval or bowtie boards.

Again, my contention is that regardless of what anyone believes, religion is faith-based. It is based on selected writings of selected oral stories, by individuals.


"Metzger's answer was that "the New Testament contains the best sources for the historicity of Jesus" (p. 87). He stated that the early church adopted three criteria in evaluating documents for inclusion in the New Testament:

(i) Was the book written by an apostle or by a follower of an apostle?
(ii) Did the book conform with what Christians already believed?
(iii) Had the book been continuously accepted and used by the church at large? (p. 86)"

By using science to attempt to "prove" your case, you will fail to convince those that attempt to question organized religion by using science. Just simply promote your belief in these writings as being literal gospels, and do not call down those that don't agree 100%. If all of the religious individuals in the world shared this common belief, the presence of god would be universal and we would be much better off.

(Do not react to the following without looking to the context of my other post.)
Sounds like somebody has been reading C.S. Lewis.

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg - or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

And speaking of lunatics.
Everyone likes to pick on Hitler. Hitler was just doing the logical thing considering the Hitler/ Eanst Haeckel connection.


Darwin (in 1871): "With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated.... We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick." Care, wrongly directed, swiftly leads to degeneration. "Excepting in the case of man himself, hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his weakest animals to breed."

Hitler (in 1928): "While nature only allows the few most healthy and resistant out of a large number of living organisms to survive in the struggle for life, people restrict the number of births and then try to keep alive what has been born, without consideration of its real value and its inner merit. Humaneness is therefore only the slave of weakness and thereby in truth the most cruel destroyer of human existence."

If anything, Darwin sounds the more Hitlerian.

For further reading:

To those who may state that they "did not read the book" (Lee Strobel), but did read reviews..... instead of reading someone elses "take" on the matter (which, being second or third hand, I would think your skepticism would be pointed at THEM, rather than the author...after all, it was his experience, not theirs), I might suggest reading firsthand accounts and testimonies.

To base a belief system on 'critics' is unwise at the least, and ridiculous at best.

And thanks to the former writer who brought in some of Darwins words....It's not that he just sounds a bit Hitlerian, Darwins beliefs were the basis and driving force behind Hitlers attempted extermination of the Jews.....Today, the same philosophy has been carried over by Islamo-Fascists, who have been following Hitler and his teachings & philosophies for generations.......this is all very well documented "stuff" guys......Hitler wanted ALL weak and inferior to be eliminated (the course of 'natural selection'), not just the Jews (as he believed they were....which they are not).

READ guys........and have fun withn your Mopars while we still have a little extra gasoline.

Times are gonna' get a little tougher pretty soon. :clock:
I did state that after reading written reviews (more than just the one I quoted from) that I did not just blindly accept their criticism of points made in the book. Instead, I took notic of the statements made by all that the author only consulted pro-christian sources. If the book is meant to be what it is stated to be, then both sides should be sourced prior to making the decision. It would be pointless to expect an unbiased opinion to be formed without having both sides of the argument being examined and judged for their own merit. If a book exists that provides points of views from individuals not believing, and the author disavows him/herself from a religious organization based on that, I would state the same position.

One of the problems that I have is that there is no unbiased work in the field of religion. And there probably never will be :)

and where did these prophesies come from? this all "supposedly" happened a very long time ago, alot can be created if it were to help the story. If somebody came to me that said that they were the son of god, sent directly by god himself, (weather his teachings were good natured or not) i think i would refer him to the mental institution.

Here's a good link showing how far back BEFORE Jesus verified manuscripts of the Bible were available.


The Bible even prophesied that when the Messiah would come, they would not receive Him and think He was nut's claiming to be the Son of God; He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. John 1:11
You see, you can be of the opinion that the world is flat never exploring it for yourself, even though an explorer states that the world is round. Our opinions don't change the facts, and Biblical evidence is overwhelming if you seek it.
Thanks for the link ramhi4x. It confirms much that I have read regarding the compilation of the Old & New Testaments.

To quote from the link,

"A canonic text is a single authoritative edition for a given work. The establishing of a canon text may involve an editorial selection from biblical manuscript traditions with varying interdependence. Significant separate manuscript traditions in the canonic Hebrew Bible are represented in the Septuagint, the Masoretic text, and the Dead Sea scrolls"

This first line clearly states that the included works were NOT a complete collection of available manuscripts, but were editorially selected. The disparancy between the scriptures accepted and rejected were made on the grounds that not all conformed to the beliefs of those canonizing them.

"New Testament Greek and Latin texts presented enough significant differences that a manuscript tradition arose of presenting diglot texts, with Greek and Latin on facing pages. New Testament manuscript traditions include the Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezae, Textus Receptus, Vulgate, and others."

Ditto for the New Testament.

From one of the external links:


"This survey covers a small part of the huge body of New Testament studies --- how the Church selected certain writings as authoritative and separated them from a larger body of early Christian literature. In view of the central importance that the New Testament has within Christianity, it is amazing that there is an absence of detailed accounts of such a significant process."


"The history, as covered in this survey, spans the first four centuries of Christianity, and was a long continuous process. It was not only a task of collecting, but also of sifting and rejecting. It was not the result of a deliberate decree by an individual or a council near the beginning of the Christian era. The collection of New Testament books took place gradually over many years by the pressure of various kinds of circumstances and influences, some external and others internal to the life of congregations. Different factors operated at different times and in different places. Some of the influences were constant, others were periodic; some were local, and others were operative where the Church had been planted."

Again, this further illustrates that not all of the information and manuscript material has been made available. Instead, over a period of time, the material was "sifted and rejected" as needed.

This is an example of negative historical revisionisn. Instead, the great book should continually be updated to contain all of the newfound materials, versions and ideologies. It would then become the greatest book to all.
Thanks for the link ramhi4x. It confirms much that I have read regarding the compilation of the Old & New Testaments.

To quote from the link,

"A canonic text is a single authoritative edition for a given work. The establishing of a canon text may involve an editorial selection from biblical manuscript traditions with varying interdependence. Significant separate manuscript traditions in the canonic Hebrew Bible are represented in the Septuagint, the Masoretic text, and the Dead Sea scrolls"

This first line clearly states that the included works were NOT a complete collection of available manuscripts, but were editorially selected. The disparancy between the scriptures accepted and rejected were made on the grounds that not all conformed to the beliefs of those canonizing them.

"New Testament Greek and Latin texts presented enough significant differences that a manuscript tradition arose of presenting diglot texts, with Greek and Latin on facing pages. New Testament manuscript traditions include the Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Bezae, Textus Receptus, Vulgate, and others."

Ditto for the New Testament.

From one of the external links:


"This survey covers a small part of the huge body of New Testament studies --- how the Church selected certain writings as authoritative and separated them from a larger body of early Christian literature. In view of the central importance that the New Testament has within Christianity, it is amazing that there is an absence of detailed accounts of such a significant process."


"The history, as covered in this survey, spans the first four centuries of Christianity, and was a long continuous process. It was not only a task of collecting, but also of sifting and rejecting. It was not the result of a deliberate decree by an individual or a council near the beginning of the Christian era. The collection of New Testament books took place gradually over many years by the pressure of various kinds of circumstances and influences, some external and others internal to the life of congregations. Different factors operated at different times and in different places. Some of the influences were constant, others were periodic; some were local, and others were operative where the Church had been planted."

Again, this further illustrates that not all of the information and manuscript material has been made available. Instead, over a period of time, the material was "sifted and rejected" as needed.

This is an example of negative historical revisionisn. Instead, the great book should continually be updated to contain all of the newfound materials, versions and ideologies. It would then become the greatest book to all.

That's why the Bible I read is comprised of manusrcipts known to be true and pure. I know you guys are working real hard to debunk the Bible, and that's good, most people just sit idle and do nothing so I can appreciate your efforts. God wrote to the church of the Laodiceans "He would rather we be hot or cold for luke warm He spews out" Revelation 3:16, (beware those who profess to a Christian but don't live their lives for Christ), God does not like to be misrepresented.

My goal was not to debate with anyone but just to share what I know to be true;

I started doing drugs when I was 12 years, this lead to a heavy life of drugs, alcohol, and crime. By the time I was 25 I was a drug addict, a dealer, and been jailed twice for drug related crimes. I was never really aware of God nor cared about any religion. One day looking for a party I found some old friends, fellow drug users, one of them shared how Jesus had changed their lives. I listened to him share his story and quote the Bible to me, I felt compassion and started feeling my heart soften. When he asked if I wanted to allow Jesus into my life I felt like crying and answered YES!, Immediately I felt a presence like no other. All my burdens had been lifted and I had absolutely NO DESIRE FOR DRUGS which I was completely addicted to for the last 13 years. To this day I have not touched any illegal substance nor had any desire to, my life was COMPLETELY changed in many ways since that day.

With countless personal testimonies like this everyday for the last 2000 years, it's impossible to explain outside the Bible. I have personally seen and meet many many people, drug addicts, adulterers, murders, and even people who lived a normal care free life who have had similar life changing stories when they gave their life over to Jesus, this is as true as can be. If you can explain this away from what the Bible says, that would be a greater miracle than any!
Jesus has proven Himself REAL to me when I gave Him the chance. Since I have read the Bible in depth from cover to cover about a half dozen times. WHEN KEPT IN CONTEXT, it's easy to see how true the Bible is.
As I said from the beginning, God gave us a free will, we ALL have the right to choose, I pray we ALL make the right choice.