ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

All I can say is I wish I lived closer so I could give you a hand.
Anytime ya need to speak to someone feel free to give me a call.
Home; 4--------- or Cell; 4---------. This goes for anybody that needs to vent, chat, or whatever, whenever.

Bruce B.

Thanks Bruce!
However, I suggest you edit your post & delete your phone #'s on post due to admin not reccomending phone numbers on open thread (due to hackers & thieves). Just for safety phone #'s = PM's!

Thanks Again, don't worry, it's all good, I'm still breathin'!!!
Be back soon!
Merry Christmas!!8)
Hey 64,

just a shout to commiserate. I've been off since March, with no prospect of a return date. I keep applying for positions that I'm way overqualified for, and yet, I'm not the least surprised when I get the rejection (if I get one at all). It's difficult to try and synopsize an entire career into a cover letter or resume, and make it stand out from the 100's or 1,000's of others that must be inundating the H.R. departments. A lot of job listings are only posted to meet E.E.O.C. rules. They already know whom they are going to hire... their unemployed spouse or brother-in-law. Enough rant.
The simplest option I can suggest for the busted stud, and you may not like hearing this... Remove and replace the cylinder head. You might actually be able to locate an alternate head that requires nothing more than cleaning, lapping the valves, a coat of paint, and 2 gaskets. If you removed the existing head, you'd at least be able to get close to the offending stud. It's just over a dozen bolts...
You gotta just keep pluggin' away. Keep your chin up. Win one for the Gipper (WTF????)! I can still hear my dad (sold newspapers at age 10 during the depression in Milwaukee in the winter, with cardboard in the bottom of his shoes) sayin' "They'll be better days" and "Where there's life, there's hope". Here's to hoping we're healthy enough to enjoy the recovery.
All the best to you, ABB, Lex and Vinnie for the holiday season!!!!!! Neilski
Hey 64,

just a shout to commiserate. I've been off since March, with no prospect of a return date. I keep applying for positions that I'm way overqualified for, and yet, I'm not the least surprised when I get the rejection (if I get one at all). It's difficult to try and synopsize an entire career into a cover letter or resume, and make it stand out from the 100's or 1,000's of others that must be inundating the H.R. departments. A lot of job listings are only posted to meet E.E.O.C. rules. They already know whom they are going to hire... their unemployed spouse or brother-in-law. Enough rant.
The simplest option I can suggest for the busted stud, and you may not like hearing this... Remove and replace the cylinder head. You might actually be able to locate an alternate head that requires nothing more than cleaning, lapping the valves, a coat of paint, and 2 gaskets. If you removed the existing head, you'd at least be able to get close to the offending stud. It's just over a dozen bolts...
You gotta just keep pluggin' away. Keep your chin up. Win one for the Gipper (WTF????)! I can still hear my dad (sold newspapers at age 10 during the depression in Milwaukee in the winter, with cardboard in the bottom of his shoes) sayin' "They'll be better days" and "Where there's life, there's hope". Here's to hoping we're healthy enough to enjoy the recovery.
All the best to you, ABB, Lex and Vinnie for the holiday season!!!!!! Neilski

Hey Neil!,
Thanks for the uplifting words.
It is some strange times we live in.

LOL, It's funny you should mention heads.
I just said to ABB last night that I was half tempted to pull/swap out engines due to so many available to me and as far down as fern is it would be less trouble than playing with this stud while contorted so I can get my reading glasses (with eyes attached!) close enough to see the dang thing! I replacing the hood due to rusted frame, might as well jerk the motor too!

Anyway the head swap is a good idea. If nothing else, I can just run the head up to machine shop. By the time I see it again maybe I'll feel like doing something to her again.

It's just right now with the UI up in the air (KY release my funds please) and ABB's impending 2 week layoff at Christmas I really can't even entertain wasting money for Kero or propane to heat the garage much less actually buying any gaskets or going to a machine shop.

(Insert Rant Here! FABO you owe me one for edit delete!)

Well enough of that dribble, sorry just worring and ramblin on to see if I can make sense of it all while volcalizing! I refuse to stress over it all anymore. It's all totally out of my controll anyway. Too old to hire, not old enough to retire.....Besides, there's still alot of people worse off than us, and we will be concentrating on them this year!

Merry Christmas Neil, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Will be getting back to Fern soon, hopefully!

Sorry for the rant Neil & FABO, but I feel better now and am ready for today!:cheers:
is fern cousin 74 dart swinger after someone rolled him in soft dirt. He lives on in my 69 dart western sport special

Hey 169dart4y!
Cool car! The resemblance is un-canny!!
Got more pics of the car the parts went to?

Merry Cristmas!
I am sorry to hear that 64dart170. Do what you need to do. If you need to vent or rant, I will listen.

Sorry dude, and thanks too!
Have been ranting alot lately! See post above, Jeeezzzz!!!!
My mind just sometimes spins out with worry and I vent. I'll probibly come back later and edit it all out!

You guys have a Merry Christmas down in the F.L.A. ok?
Sorry dude, and thanks too!
Have been ranting alot lately! See post above, Jeeezzzz!!!!
My mind just sometimes spins out with worry and I vent. I'll probibly come back later and edit it all out!

You guys have a Merry Christmas down in the F.L.A. ok?

I will have a Merry one! You guys do the same. As I get older I have been noticing the brighter side of things and realize it can always be worse.

Make the most of you time off and try to clear your head of all that worries you.

We just got notice that our forclosure has been dismissed and they will have to file the paperwork all over again. That will buy us at least another year. :cheers:
Silver Lining Baby.
I have been following this thread since it was started. ABB,I am so sorry to hear about your situation. You have the right attitude not to stress about this as you do not have any control over these things. I and my family will pray for you and hope that that things improve.Please try to keep your head up and remember that when things are down that they can only go up from there. Do you have a Paypal? I could possibly send you a little something to help you out. It will not be much but anything at this time will help. Please P.M. me if you are interested in this offer.I would need to send it Next Monday at the earliest.
I have been following this thread since it was started. ABB,I am so sorry to hear about your situation. You have the right attitude not to stress about this as you do not have any control over these things. I and my family will pray for you and hope that that things improve.Please try to keep your head up and remember that when things are down that they can only go up from there. Do you have a Paypal? I could possibly send you a little something to help you out. It will not be much but anything at this time will help. Please P.M. me if you are interested in this offer.I would need to send it Next Monday at the earliest.

Hi dustermaniac,
I want to thank you for kind and generous offer but it's not quite that bad yet. It might be in a couple of weeks though! LOL!!
I'm sure things will work out one way or another. I gave up worring months ago, but it still eats away at you.
If it gets too bad we can sell BOF if we have to. I thought our mower would sell but nobodys needing mowers right now!
Were totally jammin up Ebay this weekend with stuff to sell.
It's all good, besides if it isn't all good, who gives a crap anyway! LMBO!!!
Again many thanks for your kind heart and offer but we couldn't accept right now. It is trully a noble act of kindness you are extending and we are very appreciative, THANK YOU!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!:-D
I will have a Merry one! You guys do the same. As I get older I have been noticing the brighter side of things and realize it can always be worse.

Make the most of you time off and try to clear your head of all that worries you.

We just got notice that our forclosure has been dismissed and they will have to file the paperwork all over again. That will buy us at least another year. :cheers:
Silver Lining Baby.

Hey! What's up Santa!!!!
Oh man, are you gonna make those kids happy dude!!!!
The grand ma & mother were in tears of joy when they opened up the Christmas Express!!
Homecloned, between that box of joy you sent and our entertainment center/TV that we're giving them, that family is going to have an awesome Christmas! Those kids are going to be so happy and think of the sense of security they will have when they find out Santa came to their house this year!!!
I heard the UPS dude had to break out his 2 wheeler to bring Santa's love to the door! LOL!
From the bottom of our hearts,
You are totally one of the good ones!!! Wait till Karma catches up with you man!! You're totally up for something good to happen to you and your family!

Thanks again, John.:cheers:
Hey! What's up Santa!!!!
Oh man, are you gonna make those kids happy dude!!!!
The grand ma & mother were in tears of joy when they opened up the Christmas Express!!
Homecloned, between that box of joy you sent and our entertainment center/TV that we're giving them, that family is going to have an awesome Christmas! Those kids are going to be so happy and think of the sense of security they will have when they find out Santa came to their house this year!!!
I heard the UPS dude had to break out his 2 wheeler to bring Santa's love to the door! LOL!
From the bottom of our hearts,
You are totally one of the good ones!!! Wait till Karma catches up with you man!! You're totally up for something good to happen to you and your family!

Thanks again, John.:cheers:

Back at you John. It brings a smile to me when I can help others. Thank you too ABB for allowing me to help. I was trying to find age apropriate things for the youngest one and still be something he could do with his brothers. I hope the flute recorders and hormonica are a hit and they dont get to annoying with them.
I think UPS has to cart anything over 10 lbs. LOL
Keep on keeping on, Noel
Hi dustermaniac,
I want to thank you for kind and generous offer but it's not quite that bad yet. It might be in a couple of weeks though! LOL!!
I'm sure things will work out one way or another. I gave up worring months ago, but it still eats away at you.
If it gets too bad we can sell BOF if we have to. I thought our mower would sell but nobodys needing mowers right now!
Were totally jammin up Ebay this weekend with stuff to sell.
It's all good, besides if it isn't all good, who gives a crap anyway! LMBO!!!
Again many thanks for your kind heart and offer but we couldn't accept right now. It is trully a noble act of kindness you are extending and we are very appreciative, THANK YOU!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!:-D

Please keep me updated on your status. I will try to assist you in any way I possibly can. Do not be ashamed to ask for help, everyone needs a little support at times. Keep your chin up. Thank You for the kind words. God Bless you and your family.:wink:
Unemployment check finally arrived!
Going to get Kero for heat.
Will try to post on status of broken stud, or will start reassembly of front interior or other parts installs. Maybe glass trim install!
Hope to get started again now!!!
Merry Christmas!!!:cheers:
Glad to hear about your check. It looks like ramen noodles may noy be on the Christmas dinner table now. Fern will like the continued attention also. Us readers also get to continue.
Unemployment check finally arrived!
Going to get Kero for heat.
Will try to post on status of broken stud, or will start reassembly of front interior or other parts installs. Maybe glass trim install!
Hope to get started again now!!!
Merry Christmas!!!:cheers:
Check in the mail??We have direct deposit here,after doing your report the money is in your account within 3 days.No waiting for the mailman.Maybe you could look into having this setup at your employment office.Merry Christmas and keep up the great work!
So how are things going with Christmas fast approaching? I am sure the dogs have had some snow to play in by now.
So how are things going with Christmas fast approaching? I am sure the dogs have had some snow to play in by now.

We haven't really had any snow for the dogs to play in. It is suppose to snow today but I don't know how much. Last year out Rott was on the local news for a picture of him in the snow. I didn't get to see it but other people did. He loves the snow.
Sorry so long from posting.
Christmas went well, spoiled ABB's sisters kids. From what I hear so did Homecloned too!!! Thanks Again!
Was busy drywalling 50% of first floor of our home before the 19th family visit. Hung over dozen pcs drywall by myself (even the pcs next to ceiling!) Then took a week till Christmas to recover, still not right in back and shoulder.
1 of the rooms is going to be my new office for "Aurora Darts & Parts". As soon as I paint, 9' old kitchen counter top, old computer, new shipping scales and ebay we go!
Sold the lawnmower right before Christmas so am looking into another car or 2 parts cars of my own to get rolling and still have another half a dozen people wanting me to post things for them.
Hope it takes off!
Right after Christmas, got to ride in the ambulance to the ER, Monday or Tuesday night, I can't remember what night. ABB tells me it took them bout 20 mins. to get here to pick me up. Good thing I wasn't dying like I thought I was!!! (They are still billing me for $300.00+ for the 10 min ride!)
Got there bout 11:30PM, left at 4AM.
Still don't know what the heck was wrong, but will be paying 10 more new bills at $20.00 a month!!! Wonder if they would know what was wrong if I had health insurance!???
Still recovering from that and have not done much this past week and still not sure about next week either! (Sorry)
Hope to be finishing house soon and getting back to Fern.
I hope everone has a safe and Happy New Year! It's got to be better than the last!!!8)
Sorry so long from posting.
Christmas went well, spoiled ABB's sisters kids. From what I hear so did Homecloned too!!! Thanks Again!
Was busy drywalling 50% of first floor of our home before the 19th family visit. Hung over dozen pcs drywall by myself (even the pcs next to ceiling!) Then took a week till Christmas to recover, still not right in back and shoulder.
1 of the rooms is going to be my new office for "Aurora Darts & Parts". As soon as I paint, 9' old kitchen counter top, old computer, new shipping scales and ebay we go!
Sold the lawnmower right before Christmas so am looking into another car or 2 parts cars of my own to get rolling and still have another half a dozen people wanting me to post things for them.
Hope it takes off!
Right after Christmas, got to ride in the ambulance to the ER, Monday or Tuesday night, I can't remember what night. ABB tells me it took them bout 20 mins. to get here to pick me up. Good thing I wasn't dying like I thought I was!!! (They are still billing me for $300.00+ for the 10 min ride!)
Got there bout 11:30PM, left at 4AM.
Still don't know what the heck was wrong, but will be paying 10 more new bills at $20.00 a month!!! Wonder if they would know what was wrong if I had health insurance!???
Still recovering from that and have not done much this past week and still not sure about next week either! (Sorry)
Hope to be finishing house soon and getting back to Fern.
I hope everone has a safe and Happy New Year! It's got to be better than the last!!!8)

I hope you heal up and get back on your feet :happy10: I know the feeling Sheet rock hanging and finishing is hard on even young guns. Prayers to you and your home folks 64dart170.
I do know you need some time to heal and if you don't take the time to heal it will just get worse and never be right again, Take it slow and keep a smile on for us :happy10:
Sorry so long from posting.
Christmas went well, spoiled ABB's sisters kids. From what I hear so did Homecloned too!!! Thanks Again!

Hope to be finishing house soon and getting back to Fern.
I hope everone has a safe and Happy New Year! It's got to be better than the last!!!8)

:read2: Glad that Christmas went well and cheers to Homecloned for making it better :cheers:

Happy New Year to you and ABodyBetty.........2010 will be better and prosperous!!
Hi Guys & Gals!
Sorry so long to post.
Took longer than I thought to get stength back and still not 100%.
This past week got back to working on house again. Front room somewhat done and turned into my new office! (pics soon!) Will start my new business venture, Aurora Darts & Parts! LOL..
Ebay used mopar parts, 60's - 1980, and antique sales, depression glass, early hand blown glass marbles, hot wheels, and anything else I can find to re-sell!!!!!
Also will be doing restorations, dent, rust, paint repair, detailing, and mechanical services, parts location services, and be offering graphic communication/printing consulting too!!!
Talk to you guys soon and will be getting back to Fern soon!!