Pinched nerve in back



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
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New Braunfels TX
Came on Sunday and I have been off work all week, couldn't take the hydrocodon had a reaction so the Doc gave me some tramadol, wow that stuff works, my back still hurts but at this point I feel so good who cares!!
So you dont need those hydrocodones? :-D JK Don't take them at all. Hope you feel better. I have a herneated c-6 I have been nursing.
Happy pills! Yeeee Haaaw~!

I used to get pinched nerves in my neck muscles so bad that I couldn't even work. They didn't give me any real fun stuff though. Just some Valium via IV at the hospital.

The doctor was actually really good though and send me home with some documentation and this exercise really worked and has worked for the last 20+ years:

Bend over at the waist in an "L" shape and set your head on a table. Have someone hand you two 10 to 20 lb. weights and let the weights pull your neck and shoulder muscles and just relax.

Works every time! It would probably work better with some tramadol though, lol.
I have arthritis in my lower 2 vertebra so it looks like I have a thorn in my side to live with, not doing surgery until nothing else works, seen to many go bad.
Ouch, sorry to hear. I agree that surgery should be a last resort although I had a friend who was told he may be paralyzed but came out just fine and never regreted it.
I have 3 herniated disc and a pinched nerve,all in my lower lumbar.Can,t have surgery cause it,s degenerative disc disease(disc,s are crumbling)I did frontend alignment for 17 years in an auto plant.So I,m limited to certain jobs now.Life goes on,but I hate taking pills,they just don,t seem to help anymore.Laying down flat with my feet up,is the best comfort for me!
Ouch, sorry to hear. I agree that surgery should be a last resort although I had a friend who was told he may be paralyzed but came out just fine and never regreted it.
Had the surgery in 84 when I broke my back, it was that or die, I ask them when do you cut. Starting to have bad pains again, but I will live with it.
I have one of those electric stimulators, I'll have to get some instruction on where to place the pads.
Had the surgery in 84 when I broke my back, it was that or die, I ask them when do you cut. Starting to have bad pains again, but I will live with it.

If it saved your life and gave you 25 years of relief, it was worth it. :) My friend slipped in the back of his apartment stairs (Chicago style wood back stairs with small landings) and dropped 15-20 feet on his back through the railing (He's about 6' 4" and 280 lb.). He was in a wheelchair for a year and then on crutches for another 2 when they gave him the option to be able to walk and ride a motorcycle again. The surgery was so risky that he was urged to give a sperm sample before sugery as he may never have children.

One year later he was walking and another 6 months later he was riding again. Plus, he still had the settlement which enabled him to buy an apartment complex in Scottsdale AZ and he's been skating ever since. I'd say "Lucky Bastard" but I'd never want to make the choice he had to or have to deal with the rehab.
Strained muscles in my lower back 2.5 weeks ago trying to do something as simple as opening a frozen garage door. Chiropractor visits, applying ice, taking Aleve, using a tens unit, and wearing a back support at work, and showing improvement.

Herniated a disc in my lower back when I was in my mid 20's lifting a complete727 over a bunch of cars tightly stored in a building. Didn't get surgery, doc said I was young enough at the time, that it would heal itself if I was careful. It did, but took 10 months. Worked through it all.
Thanks for all the input guys I'll get the tens machine from mom tomorrow and start using it. The Dr also wants to start physical therapy next week.
take care of it and listen to the docs. be sure and do your pt. I've had 2 disc repaied in my lower back, broke my neck and had 3 more bolted together, had car wreck and blew 2 more out in my neck, they put carbonfiber in that time. I did notg listen to docs and kept pushing. Now they say nothing left to do. Up to my third doc on that decision. Last mri showed 2 bone spurs in neck 3 torn disc in lower back 2 buldged disc and degenrative arthritis in whole spine. They say only help is meds surgery would make it worse. Bad part I'm only 46. So my advice is listen and quit pushing. It stinks when you get to this point. I's still going and have 2 race car projects just have to accept I can never drive them.
all i can say is i feel bad for you i had surgery on my rihgt shoulder for the 2nd time on 12/7/09 and was told plan for the next 1 which will replace my total shoulder..take care of yourself and by all means talk to your ins. before you do anything ins. told me today that my surgery will not be covered guess who has to pay....oh i have 2 diff. ins. better not list names may cost me more...everything has to be preq. and man this thing is just running me up the doct. gave me med. for pain and to help sleep got 3hrs this morn. and about 3 hrs yest. even with the meds. they are killing me...but as said hope you get better soon and use lots of ice truse my it works ...
I have a herniated disk. When it moves and gets fluid around it I am imobilized. Bad enough and I can't put one foot in front of the other. I was supposed to have part of thye disk removed years ago but did not go thru with it. Usually a week, pills, and laying on a board or the floor and I am good. It has beesn a while since the last one , touch wood.............scary **** though.
That stuff does wonders.

You gotta be careful though, morphine type pills etc
can get addictive.

Ive chipped a disc in my back,
full disclocation of the left shoulder an torn most
of the ligaments,at the time i looked like quizimodo
cuz 1 arm hanged lower than the other...
That needed metalwork an 4 screws.

Now my right shoulder needs surgery too but im delaying

The best cure for any injury my freinds is prevention!
Preventing it from happening in the 1st place...
Oh yeah I forgot , the Chiro I tried made it worse. My Doctor slapped me around for going to her (and yes she was smokin hot).
I dont think that mine is as bad as the ones above I slipped a disk in highschool sophmore year and still get pains its only been 7 years but if I bend right it will about drop me did theropy for about 6 months it helped alot
Unbelieveable how many of us have back problems.

In 1977 I was working at Chrysler and packing Dist. There were 8 per box and the 1st box I put in the shipping container, reaching and twisting, my back went out.

I have had to be real careful ever since. When they took xray for my knee I had them check my left hip. In the xray it showed the bottom of my spine and I have some problems showing in it. At some point I will probably have to have something done. When it affects your QUALITY of life, it is time, but best not to wait TOO LONG.

My wife had back surgery last Thursday, so I'm playing nurse maid. He inserted a spacer then (you guys will like this) CAGED it, has some rods and screws too. So a small area is fused, but she is walking around and says the pain going down her leg is gone.

I was told years ago by a PT to lay on the floor and put your legs up in a chair, butt as close to the chair as you can, so it looks like you are sitting but you are actually lying down. My wife and I have been doing this and we both feel relief from it.

Good Luck



I don't like taking meds either, but if it starts getting bad take them.
None Elective Surgery
I am happy, I am blest to do the things I do to keep me happy and not get in anyone's way. 8)8)8)

I was 5'9 at 30 years young and now 5'7'':-D and built like a man when I was 12 :naka:
When I was 11 I could carry a 12 foot wooded strait ladder and pick the tops of Apple, Pear and Cherry tree's :cheers: did this from the age of 8 to 16 .
Arthur and me are hanging in there with a smile on
This all started in 04 when a ladder kicked out and dropped me on a concrete porch from about 12" up, I hit so hard the battery in the cordless drill I was holding landed across the street. I had one incident in 07 and now this one. Hope this doesn't turn into a every three yr thing. I'm feeling better today and am going to hold off on the meds this morning to see where I'm at. I will beat this thing and be back to working on the Dart soon.
Thanks again for all the input.
This is a life saver. My tens unit and neck support.

DSC00001 (Custom).JPG
I tried a tens on my neck once without reading any directions. When I hit the button it slammed my head on my shoulder and left me in worse shape than before I started.
When all else fails READ the directions!