say you want to buy an electric car?

Nah. Thanks for the kudos though. If Trump could do it as an outsider why cant anybody else. You see how hard the whoars in washington on both sides are fighting against him. And anybody with even a hint of a skeleton in their closet, the swamp establishment will exploit to destroy. You gotta be squeaky clean so nothing sticks, either that or be a Clinton crime family member.
It is great when we can agree that the actual reason for the government to continue"the fighting of windmills" is not the good of the people! Don Quixote interjected here! So now that we know that electric vehicles are not"fuel efficient" and for that matter they are a definate"economic disaster" and only the ones that are forced to pay for them will actually"invest" in such an atrocity why would any level headed person lie to the extent of claiming even "good results"????"Al Gore is one person-definately not level headed-that will assure you that"light years" down the road the"Jetson"vehicles will be a reality,but his foundation needs the money today!!!!
Oh yeah like i trust ole uncle algore on anything. His energy sucking mansion that uses more juice in a day than the average home uses in a month. Oh thats right he "buys carbon credits to offset his pollution footprint" yeah riiiight. And if ya believe that malarky i got a bridge to sell you too. That guy is one of the biggest rat fink lying sacks of **** ever to spend time in D.C. in washingtons time they woulda tarred and feathered his *** and ran him out on a rail. Hell they woulda done that with 90% of the assholes in suits getting payed on our dime to do nothing there today.
And speaking of assholes maybe its finally time to retire ole John McCain. War hero my ***. From what i have read he was possibly culpable in almost burning down the USS Forrestal. You know before he was captured by the VC. Ask any military pilot what a wet start is. Not 100% sure on how all that went down. After all i wasnt born until 1968.
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You mean any of our family members that fight in the middle East? Isn't that a conflict that revolves around the control of oil? Terrorism and ideal differences aside, it is about oil.

Name a single war that was fought for oil? Just one. There has never been a war fought over oil. Ever.
Totally agree mcsame Kerry and Jane should have stayed with their friends,and speaking of electric-old sparky-missed three very deserving individuals!!!
Name a single war that was fought for oil? Just one. There has never been a war fought over oil. Ever.
Google it.
And if I'm not mistaken I thought I said conflict. Our leaders sometimes like to frame things as if they are having conflicts over other things.....oil has been part of the equation. If you disagree, ok. Great. I'm not going to change anyone's mind. Nor is that my objective. Be well.
Google it.
And if I'm not mistaken I thought I said conflict. Our leaders sometimes like to frame things as if they are having conflicts over other things.....oil has been part of the equation. If you disagree, ok. Great. I'm not going to change anyone's mind. Nor is that my objective. Be well.

We've never had a "conflict" over oil. Not one. Wars are not fought for commodities. Never have, never will.

Be happy.
Well you lost me then, what are conflicts about then?

It certainly isn't commodities. We have enough oil here to be independent. Our known reserves. We can feed ourselves, and the world if we want to. In fact, in 1934-35 (I don't recall the exact year but that's close) FDR had all the 1 year old pigs killed. Had he let them mature and come to market, pork would have had zero value. The US can produce enough pork to make it effectively worthless on world markets. That's a historical fact. Same with cotton and any other commodities.

We can clothe ourselves. We can build our homes. We can build anything we want.

So why fight wars over something so senseless as commodities? No doubt in the world wars oil became problematic. It's not that you run out, it's that there are embargoes, bombing oil fields (Ploeste comes to mind...I'm sure I could think of others) and rail lines and also refining becomes an issue.

Other than that, oil is just not worth fighting for. And as I pointed out, neither are virtually any other commodities.

War has a far more subtle, sublime reason.
I see your logic, but not understanding then what the conflicts are about then. People? Land? Power? Religion?
Fer heaven's sake. We have enough desert property of our own . We sure don't need the middle east. Although, there could be some kickass dune buggyin there.
But aren't the first two arguably commodities? And the actual goods and services that are generated to fuel a war machine are commodities as well. You are right there is seemingly an underlying reason that cloaks the real meaning.

Anyway, electric cars may have a place. Maybe it's just in more populated areas where infrastructure is more accessible, and short distances are more common. I do not like the subsidy issue or children being used for slave labor, I dunno. I'm looking forward to finishing the barracuda.

Thanks for the conversation. I'm hitting the hay.
That is a good flip side to the coin. However how can one type of human suffering be any different than another. I am not comparing ptsd and our soldiers lost lives to atrocities from cobalt mining in the congo.

And while everyone talks about the Middle East and everything going on there that people are well aware of, the article does a good job at dispelling the well held myth that electric is good for all.
But aren't the first two arguably commodities? And the actual goods and services that are generated to fuel a war machine are commodities as well. You are right there is seemingly an underlying reason that cloaks the real meaning.

Anyway, electric cars may have a place. Maybe it's just in more populated areas where infrastructure is more accessible, and short distances are more common. I do not like the subsidy issue or children being used for slave labor, I dunno. I'm looking forward to finishing the barracuda.

Thanks for the conversation. I'm hitting the hay.

The first two certainly can be considered commodities but for the purposes of our discussion, they really are not. It's because it's not a conventional land grab in the sense we usually think of. It's not to use people in the sense we think of when we consider imperialism and such things.

You have to look at the big picture. It's not just one thing, but many things that come together for the purpose of...

Also, don't forget to consider the parasites who jump in a war to get what they can. They may certainly influence a war, or even may campaign for war, just to get their part of the pie.
Wars pull countries out of economic depressions/recessions. Wars make banks/financeers tons of money on both sides. And BTW is a good way to burn off excess populations. Nam cost us an entire generation of fine young American men in exchange for 3rd world villagers. Thanks China. And another thing lol, why isn't Europe all over the EV thing. They have denser populations, fewer resources and they are already used to tiny cars.
Wars pull countries out of economic depressions/recessions. Wars make banks/financeers tons of money on both sides. And BTW is a good way to burn off excess populations. Nam cost us an entire generation of fine young American men in exchange for 3rd world villagers. Thanks China. And another thing lol, why isn't Europe all over the EV thing. They have denser populations, fewer resources and they are already used to tiny cars.

All facts. Straight fact.
All sound good but the Congo article stated that it was Europe that was going to ban petrol and diesel by 2040. Who knows how accurate the article is in that respect.