say you want to buy an electric car?

Those they put in the Ca desert ... I hope they did their homework in how they're anchored down .. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the panels don't fly around like autumn leaves when the 60 mph spring winds show up.
Dude is just offering info on something he knows about.

Looks cool. I think its a factory 5 replicar they modded to electric. Problem is other than the tire screeching it doesnt make all the right noises like a hot rod should. All the burnouts in the vid are cool, but would have been over the top with a proper V8 soundtrack to go with it.

Its kinda like airplanes for me. Jets suck. They are fast but boring. I prefer the sound of a Rolls Royce liquid cooled V12 in a supermarine spitfire or a P51 mustang. That prop chop and staccato bark of raw unbridled mechanical horsepower from pistons the size of coffee cans running straight and level at full throttle. Flames popping from the short stacked exhausts. Whats not to like. Thats about as raw as it gets besides top fuel drag racing. Those are the sounds that are bad ***. Not relays clicking and the whir of an electric motor.
Aww for chrissakes, there is suffering and dying for oil. Give it a rest. Everyone has rocks to throw at everyone's F'n glass house. Do you really think that the common man has all the pertinent information to make an informed judgment about another man? You only have the information that is fed to you or allow into your head. Your head is unfortunately formed by the environment it was raised a result you are biased. When a person is biased a true even judgement is impossible.
Aww for chrissakes, there is suffering and dying for oil. Give it a rest. Everyone has rocks to throw at everyone's F'n glass house. Do you really think that the common man has all the pertinent information to make an informed judgment about another man? You only have the information that is fed to you or allow into your head. Your head is unfortunately formed by the environment it was raised a result you are biased. When a person is biased a true even judgement is impossible.
So tell me where do your biases lie?
My stator and brushes are bigger than your stator and brushes. And my batteries put out a bunch more kilowatt hours too!!!
So tell me where do your biases lie? Electric vehicles = a bigger drain (no pun intended ) on the environment based on the impact of strip mining for the raw materials to make just the batteries alone, and the added strain on the electrical supply grid to refuel them. These are not biases sir these are irrefutable facts. Sure it all harms the environment, however in the end the electric car will ultimately have a bigger environmental impact than a gasoline powered one, which by the way can be retrofitted to run cleaner burning natural gas of which we have an abundance here in the U.S.

Theres no such thing as zero emissions vehicle, all the manufacturing has to be figured in as well as where it fuel is being produced. unless you want to walk everywhere or ride a bicycle. If you want to believe in zero emissions then go ahead. Should i presume you believe in unicorn farts and pixie dust too.
Very sad and awful price in human suffering so people can act all high and mighty with their electric cars.

Hey man, like they aren't acting all like high and mighty man. They're, like, saving the EARTH and stuff, yah know?
And they gave their granola-eating, pilates-yoga, princess-girlfriend/boyfriend/tranny/thinga conflict free engagement ring, so they are like socially responsible, and stuff...
Look, I drive and support the oil industry. But to go on about "oh boo boo what about the kids" " look at the appalling things that the electric car does" is so one sided. It's like not addressing any of the OTHER facts. It's not that I disagree with ANY of what you are saying, its just not balanced. AND I find your labels about anybody that you think opposes you, lame.
Look, I drive and support the oil industry. But to go on about "oh boo boo what about the kids" " look at the appalling things that the electric car does" is so one sided. It's like not addressing any of the OTHER facts. It's not that I disagree with ANY of what you are saying, its just not balanced. AND I find your labels about anybody that you think opposes you, lame.
Would you think differently if you and your relatives were the ones being exploited like what the article says is going on over in the congo? Your phoo phooing me because i read it and you act like its made up bullshit that i am believing. The reality is the people in that part of the world are exploited for just about everything. It was once slave labor, then precious stones, now its raw materials for batteries. UNESCO is so ******* useless that **** like that will continue to go on.

And how balanced is it really. Tell us the flip side of the coin. You say we have layed out all the negatives for you. So please, please tell us all the positives to an electric car. I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation. You say its unbalanced. So Obiwan balance it for us.
You mean any of our family members that fight in the middle East? Isn't that a conflict that revolves around the control of oil? Terrorism and ideal differences aside, it is about oil.
I dont believe we should be there in the first place. The saudis use petro dollars to export wahhabism, the iranians export salafism both are extremest forms of islam. The ememy of my enemy is my friend. The U.S. made the wrong choice to side with Saudi Arabia. Not saying siding w the iranians is any better. IMHO The solution lies in pulling out of the middle east, letting israel handle its security threats how it sees fit, and pump as much oil as possible out of the ground and onto the market to drop the price to where these middle eastern kingdoms cannot support themselves. 90% of their infrastructure is run on oil money. Its a straw house Their people will riot when the free gravy train from their gubment comes to a halt. Let em kill each other off, dont allow them to import and populate here especially in large numbers either. Where theres wahabbism and salafism ya got problems. Its the muslim version of the hatfields and mccoys. No U.S. intervention will ever solve it.
Would you think differently if you and your relatives were the ones being exploited like what the article says is going on over in the congo? Your phoo phooing me because i read it and you act like its made up bullshit that i am believing. The reality is the people in that part of the world are exploited for just about everything. It was once slave labor, then precious stones, now its raw materials for batteries. UNESCO is so ******* useless that **** like that will continue to go on.

And how balanced is it really. Tell us the flip side of the coin. You say we have layed out all the negatives for you. So please, please tell us all the positives to an electric car. I am on the edge of my seat in anticipation. You say its unbalanced. So Obiwan balance it for us.
I never said that the electric car had big positives.
If you have read the whole thread you would know my responses have reflected that.
Fast forward 100 years. Solar collecting satellites orbit the earth and beam energy to your moving vehicle as your computer driven ride takes you to your destination. No accidents, no racing, no question as to when you will arrive. You can talk to your passenger as you drive about the early electric car pioneers and how far you've come. No noise, no smell, no burning rubber no dwindling fossil fuels. BTW you probably are genetically engineered to be a good little productive clone. With an expiration date. Thank God I'll be long gone by then, with my ashes scattered where the Detriot Dragway used to be.
So why then are you throwing rocks at me "because of the kids"
Now i gave you an intelligent answer to the middle east problem. Do you have a reply to that.
I dont believe we should be there in the first place. The saudis use petro dollars to export wahhabism, the iranians export salafism both are extremest forms of islam. The ememy of my enemy is my friend. The U.S. made the wrong choice to side with Saudi Arabia. Not saying siding w the iranians is any better. IMHO The solution lies in pulling out of the middle east, letting israel handle its security threats how it sees fit, and pump as much oil as possible out of the ground and onto the market to drop the price to where these middle eastern kingdoms cannot support themselves. 90% of their infrastructure is run on oil money. Its a straw house Their people will riot when the free gravy train from their gubment comes to a halt. Let em kill each other off, dont allow them to import and populate here especially in large numbers either. Where theres wahabbism and salafism ya got problems. Its the muslim version of the hatfields and mccoys. No U.S. intervention will ever solve it.
And although your opinion and solutions are valid (concerning middle East involvement) there are no remarks that reflect the atrocities attached to oil, only one side, about electric cars.
So why then are you throwing rocks at me "because of the kids"
Now i gave you an intelligent answer to the middle east problem. Do you have a reply to that.
The child post was the one sided view of cobalt mining. There is no other view posted. So if a person is siding with the "oh the poor kids mining" without giving a nod to the thousands of lives and kids affected by PTSD fathers coming hinge from war..... them it is a one sided narrow view.... nothing personal ok? You are smart. Just trying (failing) to show that people are seeing a side that suits them.
Electric cars blow. Oil kills people too.

Good enough?

I'm back to work. Good evening sir.
The child post was the one sided view of cobalt mining. There is no other view posted. So if a person is siding with the "oh the poor kids mining" without giving a nod to the thousands of lives and kids affected by PTSD fathers coming hinge from war..... them it is a one sided narrow view.... nothing personal ok? You are smart. Just trying (failing) to show that people are seeing a side that suits them.
That is a good flip side to the coin. However how can one type of human suffering be any different than another. I am not comparing ptsd and our soldiers lost lives to atrocities from cobalt mining in the congo.

I dont believe any one type of suffering is any greater or less great than the other. Yes it all sucks, however it brings to light the child exploitation used for the raw materials for electric car batteries.

Oil on the other hand coupled with clean burning natural gas of which the U.S. has an abundance of can allow us to be self sufficient. No middle east involvement no dead, maimed, or ptsd suffering U.S. servicemen.
Great, you are right. And wicked smart.

I'm glad we spoke.
Not being sarcastic, I think that you have made good points and hopefully anyone that is following will see that you don't have to be insulting to make a point and be right......except when I was turned into obewankinobe.... but whatever. I consider it a win.
Obewan kenobe was concidered a very smart jedi. A jedi master of sorts. Take it as a compliment. I was not sure where you were going with the oil, but sometimes we dont think of the costs in money or lives when our government has us fighting in proxy wars all over the place. The reality is the U.S. gets very little of our oil from the middle esst these days. Most of their crude is sold to other markets. Oil is sold in U.S. dollars. Some sort of deal that was made with the saudis and opec long ago. The saudis tried to divest of the dollar in oil trading and go with different currencies including the russian ruble. That did not work out. The point is with very little of our oil coming from that part of the world, a push towards natural gas would completely stop that with only small changes to existing gasoline vehicles to run it. Let israel do its thing as it needs to protect itself. and severely deflate the price of oil by pumping like mad. All those kingdoms and dictatorships will fall. No shots need to be fired either.
I honestly dont understand why every American president plays footsie with the Saudis. They are playing us all for fools. Using oil money they get trom all over the world to finance madrassas all over the U.S. and other western countries to advance Wahabbism. One of the most repressive and deadliest forms of islam.