State effin' Farm



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Woman wrecked my Ranger. SIMPLE. No real injuries......other than sore throat for a couple of days from the baggie, they DID pay the tow bill and my eyeglasses.

Downhill from there. Other than screwin' me out of about a grand combination of my time, aggravation and what the truck is worth, they WANT ME TO DO THIS and LIKE it

1....some outfit the "IAA" keeps calling to "pick up my truck." Ok, look, we are talking about some outfit "some guy" I've never heard of, don't know where he's from or where he's going, take my pickup away FOR NOTHING and I'm sposed to sit on the curve and smile and wave

2......They sent me a UPS quick mail thingie THEY WANT me to SIGN and SEND the TITLE to them!!!!

So "now" they (would) have the TRUCK AND THE TITLE. Plus I'm sure "if" the (underpriced) check is sent, IT WILL BE BY REGULAR MAIL. So anybody could "notice" it out there in the mail box and cash it.

Do these people REALLY take us all for morons?


By the way in just a few more days, State effin' Farm will have managed to stall and stretch this otherwise simple claim out to TWO MONTHS
Woman wrecked my Ranger. SIMPLE. No real injuries......other than sore throat for a couple of days from the baggie, they DID pay the tow bill and my eyeglasses.

Downhill from there. Other than screwin' me out of about a grand combination of my time, aggravation and what the truck is worth, they WANT ME TO DO THIS and LIKE it

1....some outfit the "IAA" keeps calling to "pick up my truck." Ok, look, we are talking about some outfit "some guy" I've never heard of, don't know where he's from or where he's going, take my pickup away FOR NOTHING and I'm sposed to sit on the curve and smile and wave

2......They sent me a UPS quick mail thingie THEY WANT me to SIGN and SEND the TITLE to them!!!!

So "now" they (would) have the TRUCK AND THE TITLE. Plus I'm sure "if" the (underpriced) check is sent, IT WILL BE BY REGULAR MAIL. So anybody could "notice" it out there in the mail box and cash it.

Do these people REALLY take us all for morons?

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By the way in just a few more days, State effin' Farm will have managed to stall and stretch this otherwise simple claim out to TWO MONTHS
Just curious, is this your insurance company or hers? Yours should go to bat for you!
Sorry to see your misfortune--------------May be time to hire a lawyer on contingency!
Can you say lawyer, fastest way I know to get then to listen to you. Do you have State farm also? 2 months is bull shiznit, tell them to replace your truck with one just like it.
Can you say lawyer, fastest way I know to get then to listen to you. Do you have State farm also? 2 months is bull shiznit, tell them to replace your truck with one just like it.

1....this entire deal, if I got every cent "I figured" is worth only maybe, 6K. "They" know that and "they" know I can't afford to waste money on a lawyer to recover 2 dollars while spending 20

2...This is the other parties liability, which is all I had on mine, so there is no one to go to bat "for me."

At this point I'd take the "some" loss of money, as long as they come up with an "honest" way to handle the sale. Geezus Effin Karessst these people are unbelievable.

See, State Effin Farm no longer has "an adjuster," they have "the team" which is not a "team" at's a bunch of teenagers with first names........probably not even their real first some unknown call centers at some unknown location. So there's no one to grab hold of, yell at, or hand a subpueona to. You can email THEM but they don't email YOU. This means there is NO WRITTIN TRAIL of the conversation or "agreement"
I wouldn't insure my sick dog with State Farm. Hold your ground. If it's totaled, you should get a check in hand for fair value (that you agree to) before handing over the title. If you had your vehicle financed through the bank you can bet they wouldn't send the title without seeing a settlement check. I'll bet your gal's neck is starting to hurt real bad!
Sorry to read Del. I had a total as well about 20 years ago. Took them 4 offers to get it right. Insurance companies need their throat slit.
Hope good comes your way.
Oh I agree with Mike. Neck hurts like a sob!
Remember, you are the claimant.
You need to contact the person who hit you and basically threaten to sue them. Remind them that State Farm didn't hit you, they did. If you're not made right, you'll go to court.
I would also consult with an attorney.
I've dealt with State Farm in the past and their SOB's but they've had their asses handed to them a lot in court.
State Farm only wins if you let them, you have to be assertive and don't let them take you for granted.
^^The problem here is there's just not much money involved. Hiring a lawyer might have a negative outcome. As I said, win 2 more dollars while spending 20 or whatever^^

Plus Idaho does not have jack for "consumer protection."
I`m not going to read all these posts
I wouldn't insure my sick dog with State Farm. Hold your ground. If it's totaled, you should get a check in hand for fair value (that you agree to) before handing over the title. If you had your vehicle financed through the bank you can bet they wouldn't send the title without seeing a settlement check. I'll bet your gal's neck is starting to hurt real bad!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------------I DIN`T READ ALL THESE POSTS---------------------------------
. I`m already getting mad. I had state fu--, er, farm from the time I was 16 to 32, never used them! Right after I got married, my new 1977 ford XLT pick up was stolen, never got it back or heard a word on anyone finding it. I had just traded a 67 ford p/u and $7000 for it, it had everything on it, including a C-B in the glove box , chrome reversed w/ baby moons, silver w/ red pinstripes, red interior, and a lot more. state fu--, offered me $2700 for it. they thot they had me over a barrel I guess, as I was just a working man and was the only car I had. Mind u , I owed about $5600 Something on it at that time. I called the okla. insurance commissioner many times about it, which is a joke in okla. He said he could do nothing. "They probly had him in their pocket, as that`s the way in this state." I borrowed the money and paid the truck off, and fought , cussed threatened to sue, for the rest of the year. When the end of the came, a different person called me and wanted to know how to resolve "his" before Jan 1srt. I told him to pay me what the truck was worth, they finally came up to $6250, and I took it. still lost $ . I will bad mouth those slimy bastards the rest of my life, and will always advise against them. My dad had them for many years also and never had to use them. So that`s the way they treat lifetime customers ?!---FU-- THEM AND ALL THAT WORK FOR THEM !
Sorry to hear about your loss.
I learned the hard way not to be fair and trusting with an insurance company.
In a situation that sounds a lot like yours.
Let this be a sticky and warning to everyone.
If you are involved in a situation like this and dependent on the other person's insurance to pay for your damages.
Did you go to a doctor or emergency room right after the accident to document your "injuries"?
If not,you are screwed.
They are an insurance company.
It's what they do.
If you did go to the doctor......... well good.
You will get nothing for your material damages on what you are really owed for your car.
It's all about pain a suffering.
Lawyers work on a percentage of the medical.
It's the system.

And it's like the divorce lawyer commercial says on the radio, watch what you put in writing in emails, etc.
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Auto insurance companies loose on the human bean/being factor. From minor pain and suffering, ( the decades of "My neck hurts" claims ) to the big coins on injuries, long term care, death.
No matter how much they lobby for safer vehicles and stricter laws, people die out there every day. So they pretty much have to pinch pennies on the vehicle/can factor. They are sooooo very glad/relieved that no one was seriously injured here and they hope the human beans can understand/feel the same way. I'm not defending the auto insurance companies. I think they showed there ignorance by going into the business of insuring cans of beans.
I took my most recent screwing from my mortgage company ( Wells Fargo ) and I still haven't completely healed. Reminding myself that there are places on this planet where mortgage vendors, insurance vendors, etc.., do not reside makes me more comfortable and glad to be here, occasional screwing and all. Good luck
Just call this guy and all your problems will be solved in a couple days. I personally recommend him. Billy is the owner operator, you don't need a lawyer, you need someone that understands the insurance companies.

For example, do you know what the appraisal clause is in your policy? Did you even know you have an appraisal clause?

The reason people get screwed is because they don't understand their insurance.

Collision Safety Consultants
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They have to provide you with the Data that they came up with your vehicle value.

Look it up yourself as well.

If you aren't happy with what they offer, don't accept it. The only other option which will scare the crap out of them is tell them you aren't feeling well, your back is starting to hurt and you're going to the doctor so I'm not accepting anything until I get checked out. Unfortunately, It's a game.

The Team is not there to pay you what they should, they are there to get out of this situation for as little $ as possible.

No attorney should EVER take a penny out of a property damage section of a settlement... EVER!!!
67Dart273 do you have USAA? You should be eligible as a former service member. They do all the leg work with the other insurance company.
Woman wrecked my Ranger. SIMPLE. No real injuries......other than sore throat for a couple of days from the baggie, they DID pay the tow bill and my eyeglasses.

Downhill from there. Other than screwin' me out of about a grand combination of my time, aggravation and what the truck is worth, they WANT ME TO DO THIS and LIKE it

1....some outfit the "IAA" keeps calling to "pick up my truck." Ok, look, we are talking about some outfit "some guy" I've never heard of, don't know where he's from or where he's going, take my pickup away FOR NOTHING and I'm sposed to sit on the curve and smile and wave

2......They sent me a UPS quick mail thingie THEY WANT me to SIGN and SEND the TITLE to them!!!!

So "now" they (would) have the TRUCK AND THE TITLE. Plus I'm sure "if" the (underpriced) check is sent, IT WILL BE BY REGULAR MAIL. So anybody could "notice" it out there in the mail box and cash it.

Do these people REALLY take us all for morons?

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By the way in just a few more days, State effin' Farm will have managed to stall and stretch this otherwise simple claim out to TWO MONTHS

You do not have to settle. I put mine in a friends shop. After months I got what I wanted and they paid him storage...
USAA will crush nuts on your behalf. They have for me several times.
My brother is an adjuster and is going to retire soon...

The days of insurance adjusters are going away to phone "aps"...
I called the okla. insurance commissioner many times about it, which is a joke in okla. He said he could do nothing. "They probly had him in their pocket, as that`s the way in this state."

You just described the situation in Idaho
Had another shooting war this morning. One guy hung up on me. I was PISSED. I finally got them to agree to have a local agent act as intermediary. "We'll see" how this goes.
Well I THOUGHT this was ACTUALLY going to get resolved TODAY. The local agent called and "I could swear" she said something about a check

So I went up to the office........couple of miles away......with the paperwork and title, and she's like bla bla bla and "thought I was someone else."


"Oh, no no no no no no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." says I !!NO!!.........Let's say I GIVE you the title..........and I GIVE you the truck what do I have?"

"bla bla bla"

"No no, just answer the question, if I GIVE you the title and you TAKE the truck WHAT DO I HAVE? NOTHING, that's what!! I thought we had this figured. You call the people back east you tell them to SEND YOU THE CHECK. When you GET that check YOU CALL me, and we can skedule the pickup on the wrecker WHO WILL FOLLOW ME HERE. We all three will get together RIGHT HERE, me with the title, the wrecker guy with the Ranger, and you with the CHECK"

"By the way miss, you work FOR A REAL PIECE OF CRAP CORPORATION I hope you know that"
Well, "it's about over." Turns out there was confusion between "which agent." I ended up finally at the "correct" agent, and she did have the check.

I figure there's about 500-1000 left on the table, for underpayment on the rig, to "storage" for two months, to "lack of use", "frustration and stress" and actual work of about half a day, towing it around to body shops.

I intend to send one last email "final invoice" and I'm going to detail some of that. Worst they can do is "not pay." At least, finally, "I am this far."

This woman at this agent acted as if "this is the way it's done" I told her "why didn't Corporate come up with this earlier," and that "You do realize you work for a REAL piece of crap corporation. You could tell she gets this all the time, it did not phase her one bit.
Are you getting a rental out of this, if not you should