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  1. 6

    Merry Christmas to all....

    Just good ole "Bad-***" in a great way:cheers:
  2. 6

    WTF is This?!?

    I've got three snakes in my backyard- they are black w/bright green stripes running down them. One will even come out when I am doing yardwork and just kind of watch- the daughters think they are so cool, which they are (not poisonous, eat the pests and don't mess with the frogs, which are also...
  3. 6

    One of my highschool teachers got arrested

    Around here (Seattle-area) we call that "The Mary Kay" syndrome:cheers:. Don't like child molesters AT all...
  4. 6

    December 7, 1941, 68 years ago

    Oddly enough, my dad is celebrating his 68th b-day today! Born the hour Pearl Harbor was attacked...
  5. 6

    Mother's Day! Gift ideas or look of fear?

    Just thought I'd throw this up and post what we got or wives/mothers. God knows we might just save a brother's life by not angering the woman/women in their lives. For my wife, I bought her a hard disc camcorder for recording family times for ourselves and her parents who live in the Ukraine...
  6. 6

    need suggestions for helping an ailing friend

    How about doing "Change collection" at local store's check-outs? If somebody does positive stuff in the community and the folks hear about it, the locals won't have a problem donating to his cause
  7. 6

    It has been a rough 2 months

    Thoughts and prayers-I've only been married 11 years, but I know I'd lose a great thing if my wife was gone. I agree with what you are doing and what Prine said; about 4 years ago I flipped two cars and sent my wife and elder daughter to see relatives in the Ukraine with the money. They spent...
  8. 6

    I could use some advice non Mopar elegibility. It was great- you can't talk to the adjudicator, e-mails never get but a cursory reply, and the folks on the phone won't do sh*t. The only reason I got them to cough up anything was that I contacted my state reps offices and raised a stink...then I got a nice call from the...
  9. 6

    anybody else like these guys

    I believe I'll be seeing Staind and Saliva next weekend @ "Rock on the Range" in Columbus. Going to distribute "Shot Pak" liquor cases to the concessions areas with the parent company BPG. Didn't know who was playing when the project started, looked online and was pretty impressed.
  10. 6

    Electric cars on YouTube

    That is the inspiration behind the Chevy Volt- kyped straight from GM's own Electromotive division which developed the "Diesel" locomotive...the 'engine' isn't even attached to the drive wheels, it turns the generator which feeds the direct drive electric motors. I still don't really care for...
  11. 6

    Electric cars on YouTube

    The best "Hybrid" I've seen is the Honda Clarity which uses hydrogen to generate the power that runs the electric motors (VERY expensive technology at the moment). Next up are the rigs such as the Chevy Volt which have a small motor that generate the electricity for the direct drive motors once...
  12. 6

    Electric cars on YouTube

    Stumbled onto a video for the tzero electric car. I posted a comment on how battery powered cars are fine for a drag racing, but the are actually worse for the environment than driving an SUV around due to the environmental damage that is caused mining the metals, refining the raw material that...
  13. 6

    Saw A New Camaro On The Road...

    Too bad the Challenger will come with a Fiat badge affixed to it soon enough.
  14. 6


    It is a nice car, for sure. $100K nice, no. Guess they'll just have to keep re-listing it or hope the economy does a sharp rebound over the weekend.
  15. 6

    Mom caps her son

    Murder/suicides are usually a male thing as is serial killing (serial killing in US/Canada is a white male thing mostly,too). It is more disturbing to watch this than some dude killing somebody. F'd up for sure.
  16. 6

    Marriage? Worst part.

    I am married to an immigrant from the Ukraine, have been for 11+ years. I don't find it all that unusual, but I get some pretty funny questions-"How much did it cost?", "Does she speak english?", "Is her family in the mafia?," and "Does she have any hot,single friends?" are pretty standard. Most...
  17. 6

    dodge vs. plymouth???

    MopeKid had the marketing strategy right.
  18. 6

    '70's life

    Grew up on military bases overseas in the '70's and '80's. My dad was a commander in various security and intelligence groups, so none of those movies remotely look like my life. Not that I don't laugh at some of the humorous stuff in 'em, I just never had those types of experiences. When I was...
  19. 6

    Crane Cams Done For

    My belief that the ride is just beginning-see what the market did as they announced the "Stimulus" plan? It tanked down into the lower end of 7K; I got laid off in October and thankfully got a new job in January... my new company has just put in a hiring/raise/and 401K matching fund freeze. Some...
  20. 6

    Prayer's for my Dad.

    Prayers and best wishes to your father and all here
  21. 6

    Cool mopar intakes on ebay.

    Ya know, I was comptemplating getting that procedure done and while I was busy thinking...along came my 2nd daughter (who ironically is nicknamed "Boo-boo." Rolls off the tongue better than "Oooops.").
  22. 6

    Another Product or MFG to boycott!!

    Now Mr.Mguner and Mr.Fishbreath where is your compassion? We need to understand, cultivate relationships, and be one with our extremist brothers...and by bringing up Jesus, the Bible, or any reference to anything Jewish or Christian you are angering our new friends. Appeasement works, just ask...
  23. 6

    Disapearing Door Prototype 4 Sale

    Can you imagine the complexity, weight and expense of that? It was on eBay awhile back, must not have sold...which I can understand why not
  24. 6

    1968 Barracuda? $60,000? wtf?

    Hey Cannucky, I live on the E.side of Seattle...hell, we're practically neighbors!
  25. 6

    1968 Barracuda? $60,000? wtf?

    I am a commercial plumber, no millionaire, too. I just can't see that kind of money into a car- if I can't use it, enjoy it, and constantly have to worry about it, I don't want or need it. Maybe I'll never be in the 'ballpark' of that version of musclecar, but I'd rather have a clone or lower...
  26. 6

    1968 Barracuda? $60,000? wtf?

    Always start w/as solid of a car as possible, do as much work as you can yourself, and pray....all I can say is "D*mn." I could never spend that much on a standard production car from the '60's. I'm not bagging on anyone; I just could not force myself to do it. My Valiant may get up to $15k if I...
  27. 6


    The US has made serious enemies/mistakes in history- Edi Amin (not too sure about the spelling) in Africa circa early-1970s', Ho Chi Minh was an ally until we screwed him in the late 1940s' /early50s' and went with the French (still a bad decision to make today), the Sudan offered up Bin Laden...
  28. 6


    Funny thing "Fitna" translates into 'struggle.' Hilter wrote a book while in prison for his failed takeover of the Wiemar government. Yeah, funny because he titled it "My Struggle" aka "Mein Kampf." Those who forget history...
  29. 6

    anyone else smell Bushit ?

    Carter called Bush "the worst president in US history.." He isn't great by any stretch, but Carter seems to forget the double-digit unemployment, double-digit-interest rates, the inflation climbs, the Iranian hostages, the dying inner cities, et cetera that happened on his watch. Not to mention...
  30. 6

    First sex in a car...

    1969 Volkswagen Bug. In Stuttgart, Germany with a girl who was/is 2 inches taller than me. It was not too easy, but we made it happen- nothing like American grit and determination!